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Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > WA LAP 

This page includes five sets of fields dedicated to the four LAP (Learning Assistance Program) services and Washington Reading Corps service reported in the CEDARS Student Growth (Q) file. To indicate a student receives a particular service, click that LAP service's link, enter a Start Date and Entry Reason, select the Value box, click Save in the Programs dialog, then click Save on the WA LAP page.
Under each service, you will see the associated data elements for the Student Growth file. Each element's name begins with the CEDARS Program Code for its related LAP service. For example, the LAP Behavior service's fields all begin with Program Code 38.



LAP Behavior

This field indicates whether the student is participating in a Learning Assistance Program for behavioral assistance. Click the hyperlink to update the start or end date.

Student Growth file elements associated with the LAP Behavior service are indicated with Program Code 38 in their field names, for example, 38 Identification Assessment or 38 Beginning Score.

LAP English Language Arts

This field indicates whether the student is participating in a Learning Assistance Program for Language Arts. Click the hyperlink to update the start or end date.

Student Growth file elements associated with the LAP English Language Arts service are indicated with Program Code 37 in their field names, for example, 37 Identification Assessment or 37 Beginning Score.

LAP Math

This field indicates whether the student is participating in a Learning Assistance Program for math intervention. Click the hyperlink to update the start or end date.

Student Growth file elements associated with the LAP English Language Arts service are indicated with Program Code 6 in their field names, for example, 6 Identification Assessment or 6 Beginning Score.

LAP Readiness

This field indicates whether the student is participating in a Learning Assistance Program for academic readiness. Click the hyperlink to update the start or end date.

Student Growth file elements associated with the LAP English Language Arts service are indicated with Program Code 7 in their field names, for example, 7 Identification Assessment or 7 Beginning Score.

WA Reading Corps Literacy Support

This field indicates whether the student is participating in a Washington Reading Corps literacy support service. Click the hyperlink to update the start or end date.

Student Growth file elements associated with the WRC Literacy Support service are indicated with Program Code 44 in their field names, for example, 44 Identification Assessment or 44 Beginning Score.

The WA LAP student page provides program-tracked fields for the Student Growth elements associated with each LAP service the student receives. You can access all the elements for a particular LAP service by clicking the main program link for that service (ex. Click the LAP Readiness link to open the Programs dialog. You can see and update any element related to LAP Readiness). You may also access an individual element by clicking its program link (ex. Click 6 Identification Assessment to view and update Identification Assessment for LAP Math).
Each data element's name begins with the CEDARS Program Code for its related LAP service. For example, the LAP Behavior service's fields all begin with Program Code 38.
To save a change for any field, make sure to click Save in the Programs dialog and then on the WA LAP student page.
The same set of fields are available for the student program Washington Reading Corps Literacy Support which has Program Code 44.
Important: eSchoolPLUS does not enforce date validation between each LAP service program and its associated child attribute programs. The same is true for the Washington Reading Corps Literacy Support program.



Identification Assessment

Measure that most heavily influences identification of student eligibility for the LAP service. Reported in Element Q08.

Amount of Academic Growth

Based on progress monitoring assessments, the amount of academic growth the student gained during enrollment in the LAP service. Reported in Element Q09.

Progress Monitoring Assessment

Assessment used to monitor the student's progress in the LAP service. The student should have a pre-test and post-score for this assessment. Reported in Element Q10.

Beginning Score

Student's raw score or scale score from the progress monitoring assessment. Only use the raw score if no scale score is available. Reported in Element Q11.

Beginning Score Date

Date when the student took the initial progress-monitoring assessment. Reported in Element Q12.

End Score

Student's raw score or scale score from the progress monitoring assessment at the end of receiving the LAP service. Only use the raw score if no scale score is available. Reported in Element Q13.

End Score Date

Date when the student took the final progress-monitoring assessment. Reported in Element Q14.

Extended Learning Time

Code for the extended learning time intervention that applies to the student's LAP service time, if applicable. If multiple interventions apply, choose the primary method for providing extended day learning. Reported in Element Q15.

Tutoring Intervention

Code identifying tutoring program or practice addressing the student's academic needs during the regular school day, as applicable to the LAP service. Reported in Element Q16.

Met Learning Goal

Setting identifying whether the student is eligible to exit the LAP service based on assessments and progress monitoring. Reported in Element Q17

Following are the remaining fields pertaining to Washington Learning Assistance Program participation and the CEDARS Student Growth file.



LAP Graduation Assistance

This field indicates whether the student is participating in a Learning Assistance Program for Graduation Assistance. Click the hyperlink to update the start or end date. This is reported in the CEDARS Student Attributes and Programs (I) file.

RTL (Readiness to Learn)

This field indicates whether the student receives Readiness to Learn services. Click the hyperlink to update the start or end date. This is reported in the CEDARS Student Attributes and Programs (I) file.

Serving District

If the student is receiving LAP services in another district, click the hyperlink to update the Serving District or the start or end date.


If the student is receiving LAP services in a building other than his/her Entry building, click the hyperlink to update the Location ID or the start or end date. If the student is receiving services outside of your district, you must also enter a Location ID in the other district.

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