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WA Immunization Report

Regulatory > Reports > Reports > WA Immunization Report
Use this option to print building-specific reports showing immunization status information for grades kindergarten and 7th, as well as enrollment and exemption data for all other grades. The report uses Entry/Withdrawal information to determine enrollment counts as of a snapshot date you select. You can print the report as a pdf, or you can extract the same data into a csv file which you can upload for state submission.

This section provides the setup information needed as prerequisites to running the report, reviews the prompts available on the report page, and details the mapping used to generate the report's output in Parts A, B, and C.


The following setup prerequisites are required before you run the WA Immunization report:

  • Define a building Medical configuration for each building you need to report (Administration > Medical Setup > Setup > Medical Configuration)
  • Set up vaccinations with the appropriate state code equivalency values (Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables > select Medical Records > Vaccinations). The state code equiv values are listed in the table.
  • Define immunization Schedules (Administration > Medical Setup > Setup > Immunization Schedules) and immunization Criteria (Administration > Medical Setup > Setup > Immunization Criteria) for the vaccines.
  • Define the following exemptions (Code – Description): M – Medical Exemption, P – Personal Exemption, R – Religious Exemption, and RM – Religious Membership. Make sure to use the code indicated for each exemption (Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables > select Medical Records > Exemptions).
  • Advise administrative medical staff that for a particular student, Measles, Mumps, and Rubella should be tracked either through the MMR vaccination or by recording these vaccinations via separate immunization records, one for each vaccination. Both methods should not be used for any one student, though for each individual student, either method is valid. Immunizations are entered through Medical > All > Student > Immunizations.
  • The TDAP vaccine immunization rules as of August 1, 2020, expects all students entering 7th through 12th grades must have one booster dose of TDAP vaccine. The TDAP booster may be entered on either the DTAP or TDAP row or separately on the TDAP row, with the following age rules taken into account in either scenario.
    • In the 2020-2021 school year, all students in 7th grade must have received their Tdap dose on or after age 10 years.
    • Students in 8th through 12th grades must have received their Tdap dose on or after age 7 years.
  • Run Immunization Validation (Medical > All > Utilities > Validate Immunizations) for the appropriate buildings to calculate each student's overall immunization status as well as the student's status for each immunization.
  • Use the WA Immunization Information page for each building to define settings in Part A of the Immunization report (Administration > Registration Setup > Building District Defined > WA Immunization Information). The following fields affect Part A: Completed By, Completed By Email, Nurse, Grade To, and Grade From. The Excluded setting applies to Part E.

The report can get Part A values elsewhere if a building does not have a WA Immunization Information record. Refer to the report mapping section for report value sources.

Vaccination State Code Equivalency Values


State Code Equivalent

Polio (OPV or IPV)






MMR (Measles, Mumps, & Rubella together)








Hepatitis B




Haemophilus Influenzae Type BHIB
Pneumococcal Conjugate VaccinePCV

Report Option

Regulatory > Reports > Reports > WA Immunization Report

To run the Immunization report:

  1. Confirm that prerequisites are complete.
  2. Use the Buildings prompt to choose the buildings you want to process.
  3. Select the As of Date the system will use to determine enrollment counts for the report.
  4. Check the Log Statistics box if you want to print the prompts you used for running the report. The log only prints if you also check the Create Report as PDF box.
  5. If you want a pdf version of the report, check the Create Report as PDF box.
  6. To generate a comma-separated value version of the report, check the Create Report as CSV box. The file is formatted according to the state template and pulls data in the same way as the pdf report.
  7. If you want to run the report for a group of students, define Filter criteria as needed.
  8. Use the Run section to determine when the report generates.
  9. Click Run. If you process a single building, the report will have that building's name on the My Home page. If you run the report for multiple buildings, the report is identified as Multiple WA Immunization Report.

The Report Output header is updated to have 20-21 school year dates (instead of 19-20 dates).


Following are section-by-section breakdowns showing the eSchoolPLUS data source for each piece of information that prints on the WA Immunization report.

Part A

Field Name

Where in eSchoolPlus


School Name

Concatenate as follows: reg_building.building + - (hyphen) + for the prompted building.

A separate report prints for each building selected on the WA Immunization Report page.

Building Code


Street Address

reg_building.street 1 + reg_building.street 2



regtb_county.description where code = reg_buildinng.county_code

School District where validation_only = 'N'

Grades FROM ___ TO ___Use reg_user_building where screen_number = 102 and field_number = 8 for Grade From and field_number = 9 for Grade To


Show grades from reg_building_grade. In Grade From field, use the grade level with the lowest reg_grade.grade_order value. In the Grade To field, show the grade level with the highest reg_grade.grade_order value
Grade To and Grade From from Administration > Registration Setup > Building District Defined > WA Immunization Information


Get the values from the Grade List in Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Building Definition > Preferences panel.


Prompted date from WA Immunization Report page's As of Date field.


Completed by

reg_user_building where screen_number = 102 and field_number = 10



Completed By from Administration > Registration Setup > Building District Defined > WA Immunization Information

If the district-defined field is blank, use Administration > Security > Users > Security Profile: Name field

School Location Codereg_building.building
Are you a Nurse?reg_user_building.field_value where screen_number = 102 and field_number = 12

WA Immunization Information building page: Nurse

If Nurse is selected for the building, then the report shows the Yes box selected.



reg_user_building where screen_number = 102 and field_number = 11


Completed By Email from Administration > Registration Setup > Building District Defined > WA Immunization Information

If the district-defined field is blank, use Administration > Security > Users > Security Profile: Email field

Part B Kindergarten

Part B counts include only students enrolled in Kindergarten for the reported building. This means any student with an Entry/Withdrawal Grade mapping to a State Equivalency Code of K1 or K2.

Field Name

Where in eSchoolPlus


1. Number of Students with a Medical Exemption

Exemption Total: Count of students where med_general.immune_status = 'EX' and med_series.series_exemption = 'M' for at least one of the reported shots.

DTaP: Count from med_general table where immune_status is EX and student has med_series record where series_exemption = M and series_code has state_code_equiv = 'DPT' or 'TDAP' in medtb_shot.

Polio: Count from med_general table where immune_status is EX and student has med_series record where series_exemption = M and series_code has state_code_equiv = 'POLIO' in medtb_shot.

MMR: Count from med_general table where immune_status is EX and student has med_series record where series_exemption = M and series_code has state_code_equiv = 'MMR' in medtb_shot

Hep B: Count from med_general table where immune_status is EX and student has med_series record where series_exemption = M and series_code has state_code_equiv = 'HEPB' in medtb_shot.

Varicella: Count from med_general table where immune_status is EX and student has med_series record where series_exemption = M and series_code has state_code_equiv = 'VAR' in medtb_shot.

HIB: Count from med_general table where immune_status is EX and student has med_series record where series_exemption = M and series_code has state_code_equiv = 'HIB' in medtb_shot.

PCV: Count from med_general table where immune_status is EX and student has med_series record where series_exemption = M and series_code has state_code_equiv = 'PCV' in medtb_shot.

Exemption Total: Medtb_shot.state_code_equiv is one of the following: DPT, TDAP, POLIO, MMR, HEPB, VAR, HIB, and PCV.
2. Number of Students with a Personal Exemption

Exemption Total: Count of students where med_general.immune_status = 'EX' and med_series.series_exemption = 'P' for at least one of the reported shots.

DTaP: Count from med_general table where immune_status is EX and student has med_series record where series_exemption = P and series_code has state_code_eq uiv = 'DPT' or 'TDAP' in medtb_shot.

Polio: Count from med_general table where immune_status is EX and student has med_series record where series_exemption = P and series_code has state_code_equiv = 'POLIO' in medtb_shot.

MMR: Count from med_general table where immune_status is EX and student has med_series record where series_exemption = P and series_code has state_code_equiv = 'MMR' in medtb_shot. This will always be reported as 0 since the state no longer allows Personal Exemptions for Measles.

Hep B: Count from med_general table where immune_status is EX and student has med_series record where series_exemption = P and series_code has state_code_equiv = 'HEPB' in medtb_shot.

Varicella: Count from med_general table where immune_status is EX and student has med_series record where series_exemption = P and series_code has state_code_equiv = 'VAR' in medtb_shot.

HIB: Count from med_general table where immune_status is EX and student has med_series record where series_exemption = P and series_code has state_code_equiv = 'HIB' in medtb_shot.

PCV: Count from med_general table where immune_status is EX and student has med_series record where series_exemption = P and series_code has state_code_equiv = 'PCV' in medtb_shot.

Exemption Total: Medtb_shot.state_code_equiv is one of the following: DPT, TDAP, POLIO, MMR, HEPB, VAR, HIB, and PCV.

For the MMR column, the report submits a total of zero (0). If there are students with a Personal Exemption for MMR (Measles), the report log file provides this information.

3. Number of Students with a Religious Exemption

Exemption Total: Count of students where med_general.immune_status = 'EX' and med_series.series_exemption = 'R' for at least one of the reported shots.

DTaP: Count from med_general table where immune_status is EX and student has med_series record where series_exemption = R and series_code has state_code_eq uiv = 'DPT' or 'TDAP' in medtb_shot.

Polio: Count from med_general table where immune_status is EX and student has med_series record where series_exemption = R and series_code has state_code_equiv = 'POLIO' in medtb_shot.

MMR: Count from med_general table where immune_status is EX and student has med_series record where series_exemption = R and series_code has state_code_equiv = 'MMR' in medtb_shot.

Hep B: Count from med_general table where immune_status is EX and student has med_series record where series_exemption = R and series_code has state_code_equiv = 'HEPB' in medtb_shot.

Varicella: Count from med_general table where immune_status is EX and student has med_series record where series_exemption = R and series_code has state_code_equiv = 'VAR' in medtb_shot.

HIB: Count from med_general table where immune_status is EX and student has med_series record where series_exemption = R and series_code has state_code_equiv = 'HIB' in medtb_shot.

PCV: Count from med_general table where immune_status is EX and student has med_series record where series_exemption = R and series_code has state_code_equiv = 'PCV' in medtb_shot.

Exemption Total: Medtb_shot.state_code_equiv is one of the following: DPT, TDAP, POLIO, MMR, HEPB, VAR, HIB, and PCV.
4. Number of Students with a Religious Membership Exemption

Exemption Total: Count of students where med_general.immune_status = 'EX' and med_series.series_exemption = 'RM' for at least one of the reported shots.

DTaP: Count from med_general table where immune_status is EX and student has med_series record where series_exemption = RM and series_code has state_code_eq uiv = 'DPT' or 'TDAP' in medtb_shot.

Polio: Count from med_general table where immune_status is EX and student has med_series record where series_exemption = RM and series_code has state_code_equiv = 'POLIO' in medtb_shot.

MMR: Count from med_general table where immune_status is EX and student has med_series record where series_exemption = RM and series_code has state_code_equiv = 'MMR' in medtb_shot.

Hep B: Count from med_general table where immune_status is EX and student has med_series record where series_exemption = RM and series_code has state_code_equiv = 'HEPB' in medtb_shot.

Varicella: Count from med_general table where immune_status is EX and student has med_series record where series_exemption = RM and series_code has state_code_equiv = 'VAR' in medtb_shot.

HIB: Count from med_general table where immune_status is EX and student has med_series record where series_exemption = RM and series_code has state_code_equiv = 'HIB' in medtb_shot.

PVC: Count from med_general table where immune_status is EX and student has med_series record where series_exemption = RM and series_code has state_code_equiv = 'PCV' in medtb_shot.

Exemption Total: Medtb_shot.state_code_equiv is one of the following: DPT, TDAP, POLIO, MMR, HEPB, VAR, HIB, and PCV.
5. Number of Students in Conditional Status

Status Total: Count from med_general where immune_Status = 'IP'

DTaP: Count from med_general table where immune_status is IP and student has med_series record where series_code has state_code_equiv = 'DPT' or 'TDAP' in medtb_shot.

Polio: Count from med_general table where immune_status is IP and student has med_series record where series_code has state_code_equiv = 'POLIO' in medtb_shot.

MMR: Count from med_general table where immune_status is IP and student has med_series record where series_code has state_code_equiv = 'MMR' in medtb_shot.

Hep B: Count from med_general table where immune_status is IP and student has med_series record where series_code has state_code_equiv = 'HEPB' in medtb_shot.

Varicella: Count from med_general table where immune_status is IP and student has med_series record where series_code has state_code_equiv = 'VAR' in medtb_shot.

HIB: Count from med_general table where immune_status is IP and student has med_series record where series_code has state_code_equiv = 'HIB' in medtb_shot.

PCV: Count from med_general table where immune_status is IP and student has med_series record where series_code has state_code_equiv = 'PCV' in medtb_shot.

6. Number of Students Out of Compliance

Status Total: Count from med_general where immune_Status = 'OV,' 'NR,' or 'IS'

DTaP: Count from med_general table where immune_status = 'OV,' 'NR,' or 'IS' and student has med_series record where series_code has state_code_equiv = 'DPT' or 'TDAP' in medtb_shot.

Polio: Count from med_general table where immune_status = 'OV,' 'NR,' or 'IS' and student has med_series record where series_code has state_code_equiv = 'POLIO' in medtb_shot.

MMR: Count from med_general table where immune_status = 'OV,' 'NR,' or 'IS' and student has med_series record where series_code has state_code_equiv = 'MMR' in medtb_shot.

Hep B: Count from med_general table where immune_status = 'OV,' 'NR,' or 'IS' and student has med_series record where series_code has state_code_equiv = 'HEPB' in medtb_shot.

Varicella: Count from med_general table where immune_status = 'OV,' 'NR,' or 'IS' and student has med_series record where series_code has state_code_equiv = 'VAR' in medtb_shot.

HIB: Count from med_general table where immune_status = 'OV,' 'NR,' or 'IS' and student has med_series record where series_code has state_code_equiv = 'HIB' in medtb_shot.

PCV: Count from med_general table where immune_status = 'OV,' 'NR,' or 'IS' and student has med_series record where series_code has state_code_equiv = 'PCV' in medtb_shot.

7. Number of Students Complete

Status Total: Number of Students Complete (Field 7) = Total Students Enrolled (Field 10) - [Sum of Field 5 + Field 6 + Field 8]

DTaP: DTaP Field 7 = Field 10 - [Sum of DTaP Fields 1 through 6]

Polio: Polio Field 7 = Field 10 - [Sum of Polio Fields 1 through 6]

MMR: MMR Field 7 = Field 10 - [Sum of MMR Fields 1 through 6]

Hep B: Hep B Field 7 = Field 10 - [Sum of Hep B Fields 1 through 6]

Varicella: Varicella Field 7 = Field 10 - [Sum of Varicella Fields 1 through 6]

HIB: Hep B Field 7 = Field 10 - [Sum of HIB Fields 1 through 6]

PCV: Hep B Field 7 = Field 10 - [Sum of PCV Fields 1 through 6]

8. Number of Students with ANY exemptionCount from med_general where immune_Status = 'EX'
and med_series.series_exemption is in (M,P, R, or RM) for one of the vaccines reported.
The Personal Exemption is not counted for MMR (Measles).
10. Total Kindergarten Students EnrolledUse Entry/Withdrawal records to get a count for students enrolled in kindergarten for the appropriate building and grade as of the snapshot date.

Part C 7th Grade

Part C counts include only students enrolled in 7th grade for the reported building. Otherwise, the section's fields are calculated the same way as the fields described for Part B.

Part D K-12

Part D counts include totals for all students, kindergarten through 12th grade, enrolled in the reported building. Otherwise, the section's fields are calculated the same way as the fields described for Part B.

Part D of the pdf report does not count K through 6th grade students as out of compliance for DTAP if they do not have a TDAP booster.

Part E Students excluded from classroom participation in accordance with WAC 246-105-080

Field Name

Where in eSchoolPlus


Does your school exclude Students from Classroom participation due to being out of compliance with the State immunization laws?

reg_user_building.field_value where screen_number = 102 and field_number = 13

Report YES if Excluded is selected for the building on WA Immunization Information building page. Otherwise, report NO.

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