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WA District Page

Administration > General Setup > District District Defined > WA District




This field indicates to the system which GPA setup to use for the GPA and credit fields in the District Student file. This should be the same GPA Setup that you use on the Transcript View.

District Entry Codes

The District Entry Codes let the District determine what Entry Codes indicate when a student enters the district. The CEDARS Download looks for these codes in a student's Entry/Withdrawal record when determining District Enrollment Date for the District Student (B) file.

Make sure to include the codes listed in the Entries Registration Table section which you set up for the School Student file's Confirmed Transfer In field.

District Withdrawal Codes

The District Withdrawal Codes let the District determine what Withdrawal Codes indicate when a student enters or leaves the district.


Select the County that your district is located in. This will be used on the P-223 form.

ESD Number

Select the Educational Service District that your district belongs to. This will be used on the P-223 form.

Transcript Seal

Enter the name and file extension of the image file that you want to use as the Watermark on the transcript. You can use a .jpg, .gif or .bmp file. This file must be located in the Reports/Templates/MR directory of the eSchoolPLUS installation location on each task server.

Intervention Days should be

Select how the CEDARS Download will handle decimal values when determining Number of Intervention Days for a disciplinary action in Student Discipline records. Number of Intervention Days is based on the disciplinary action's Actual Duration.

Choose one of the following settings:

Blank – Leave this field blank if the Download should log an error any time the Actual Duration is recorded with anything other than an increment of 0.5. In this case, a value of 1.25 would result in an error. This is the default setting.

Rounded Off – Select this to have the Download round Actual Duration of the discipline action to the nearest whole number. This only would happen in a case where the duration is not a half-day increment like 0.5 or 1.5. For example, if the Download finds an Actual Duration of 1.75, it would round to a value of 2 for Number of Intervention Days.

Truncated – Select this to have the Download remove decimal values from the action's Actual Duration and use only the remaining whole number value for the Discipline file's Number of Intervention Days. This only applies if the duration has a decimal value that is not in a half-day increment such as 0.5 or 1.5. For example, this setting would truncate an Actual Duration of 1.75 to a Number of Intervention Days value of 1.

Combined FTE Priority

Select how the FTE Monthly and Interdistrict reports treat cases where a student's calculated regular FTE and ALE FTE total greater than 1.0 for a given reporting month and year. The report can either reduce the regular FTE value, leaving the ALE FTE untouched, or it can do the opposite to get the total down to the 1.0 value.

As context, consider a case where a student has regular FTE of 0.9 and ALE FTE of 0.2 for a reporting month. We will reference this case in the explanations of this field's settings.

Regular – Report the regular FTE as it is calculated and reduce ALE FTE so that it and the regular value total 1.0. In our example case, regular FTE stays at 0.9 and ALE FTE reduces to 0.1. This is the default setting.

ALE – Report the ALE FTE as it is calculated and reduce regular FTE so that it and the ALE value total 1.0. In our example case, regular FTE is reduced to 0.8 and ALE FTE remains at the calculated value of 0.2.

Disciplinary Actions

Comma-delimited list of Action Codes the Student Discipline (P) download will count when calculating Number of Disciplinary Action Days. The download uses this field to determine which Action Codes' Actual Duration days to total when a student has multiple actions for the same incident. To be included in the total, the Action Code needs to have a State Code Equiv in the Offense Actions table, and it needs to be included in this field.

Default Military Status


High School Credit Bldg Type

Codes for the Building Types you use to identify courses that count for high school credit. If you use more than one Building Type for this purpose, you can enter the codes as comma-separated values. The CEDARS Download uses these High School Credit Building Types for the following purposes:

  • To determine which non-scheduled courses and transfer courses to include in the Non-Traditional Student Credit Attempt (T) file.
  • To determine which courses need grade and credit information reported in the Student Schedule (E) file.

Building Types are assigned to courses as follows:

  • For course-sections, in the Master Schedule > Session Information panel > Mark Reporting and Attendance Information section > Building Types
  • For student Mark Reporting course records, on the Mark Reporting Detail page > Additional Building Types.

Also on the student's Mark Reporting Detail page, you can override the course-section's Master Schedule Building Type by assigning it in the Exclude Building Types field. If the download finds the Building Type in the Exclude field, it does not process the course-section for the student.

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