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WA Course Information

District Catalog level: Scheduling > Courses > District Courses > WA Course Information
Building Catalog level: Scheduling > Courses > Building Courses > WA Course Information
Master Schedule level: Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > WA Course Information



Content Area Before 2016

Select the if a course's Master Schedule record is prior to the 2016 school year, and the Grade History (H) file references this field for Element H14, Content Area Code.

For the Course Catalog file (D), this field is used for Element D06, Content Area Code, if you run the download for a year prior to 2016.

AP/IB Course Code

Select the AP/IB Course Code.

CIP Code

Select the CIP Code for the course if applicable.

CTE Direct Transcription

Checked if the course is eligible for CTE Direct Transcription.

Exclude from FTE

Checked if a course should not be considered in the FTE calculation.

Vocational Education Program

Checked if a course is part of a Vocational Education program. If a course is part of a Vocational Education program, then the FTE values will be reported in the Vocational Education buckets on the P-223 Monthly Enrollment report, but not included in the FTE numbers at the top of the report. More information regarding this can be found in the FTE Monthly Report section of this manual.

Skill Center Program

Checked if a course is part of a Skill Center program. If a course is part of a Skill Center program, then the FTE values will be reported in the Skill Center bucket on the P-223 Monthly Enrollment report, but not included in the FTE numbers at the top of the report. More information regarding this can be found in the FTE Monthly Report section of this manual.

Running Start Credits

Select the number of credits for a Running Start course. This is required for the course to be counted toward a student's FTE value on the P-223 report.

Determine Running Start FTE as follows: Running Start FTE = (Running Start Credits) ÷ (15)

RS High School Setting

No longer used.

RS Months Offered

No longer used.

Alternate Learning Experience

Checked if the course qualifies as an Alternative Learning Experience course based on WAC 392-121-182 and should be included in Headcount and FTE totals for ALE on the ALE Reporting into SAFS report.

This setting is used for FTE reporting only. It is not used for CEDARS reporting's Student Schedule (E) and Student Grade History (H) files.

ALE Program

Select the ALE Program code that applies to the course if it qualifies as an ALE course. This determines the program count where the course gets included for the ALE Reporting into SAFS report.

Your selection also determines the ALE Program description that is included in the WA FTE Summary record for students in this course-section when the Calculate Student FTE option is run.

This field is required if the course has the Alternate Learning Experience box checked. Otherwise, leave this field blank.

ALE Funded

Select the setting showing the type of ALE instruction provided in this course-section, for reporting in the Student Schedule (E) and Student Grade History (H) CEDARS files. Leave the field blank if this is not an ALE-funded course.

If this is an ALE Funded course and there are particular months where students are not considered ALE Funded, you can make updates on the WA ALE Funding Excluded Months student course district-defined page. This tells the CEDARS download whether to report the student as ALE Funded for a specific month.

To update this page, use the Student Course District-Defined Entry utility which lets you display, create records for, and update the month-by-month ALE Funded status for all students in the course through a single page. If needed, you may also update an individual student's WA ALE Funding Excluded Months page.

Important: If all students are considered ALE Funded for the duration of the course, you do not need to update WA ALE Funding Excluded Months for this course-section.

Content Area 2016 and After

Select if a course's Master Schedule record is 2016 or later, and the Grade History (H) file references this field for Element H14, Content Area Code.

For the Course Catalog file (D), this field is used for Element D06, Content Area Code, if you run the download for 2016 or later.

CTE Equivalency Identifier

Select the level of course identification for course equivalency district authorizes for a Career and Technical Education (CTE) course. This is required if the course has a CIP Code. This is reported in the Course Catalog (D) file, element D12.

CTE Credit Equivalency

No longer used.

CTE Course Equivalency

Select the type of equivalency applied to the CTE course, if applicable. This is reported in the Course Catalog (D) file, element D13.

Dual Language Instruction Type

Select the program model that applies for a dual language course. For a One- way program, all students speak the same native language. For a Two-way program, the class is balanced between English learners who speak the target language and students who are native English speakers.

This is reported in the Course Catalog (D) file, element D14.

Dual Language - LanguageSelect the instruction language for a dual language course. This is reported in the Course Catalog (D) file, element D15.
Approved Online ProviderSelect the provider for an online course. This is required when the course has an ALE Program Type of O - Online. This is reported in the Student Schedule (E) file, element E10.
Approved Online ProgramSelect the code identifying the online program providing the course. This is required if the course has an ALE Program Type of O - Online. This is reported in the Student Schedule (E) file, element E11.


Checked if the course is a Quantitative course. This will be included on the Transcript with a Course Designation of Q.

This is referenced for the Course Designation Code in both the Course Catalog (D) and Student Grade History (H) files.

International Baccalaureate

Checked if the course is an International Baccalaureate course. This will be included on the Transcript with a Course Designation of I.

This is referenced for the Course Designation Code in both the Course Catalog (D) and Student Grade History (H) files.

College in the High School

Checked if the course is a College in the High School course. This will be included on the Transcript with a Course Designation of C.

This is referenced for the Course Designation Code in both the Course Catalog (D) and Student Grade History (H) files.

CTE Dual Credit (Tech Prep)

Checked if the course is a Tech Prep course. This will be included on the Transcript with a Course Designation of T.

This is referenced for the Course Designation Code in both the Course Catalog (D) and Student Grade History (H) files.


Checked if the course is an Honors course. This will be included on the Transcript with a Course Designation of H.

This is referenced for the Course Designation Code in both the Course Catalog (D) and Student Grade History (H) files.

Advanced Placement

Checked if the course is an Advanced Placement course. This will be included on the Transcript with a Course Designation of A.

This is referenced for the Course Designation Code in both the Course Catalog (D) and Student Grade History (H) files.

Running Start

Checked if the course is a Running Start course. This will be included on the Transcript with a Course Designation of R.

This is referenced for the Course Designation Code in both the Course Catalog (D) and Student Grade History (H) files.

Note that if a course is reported as a Running Start course in the Course Designation Code field, it cannot get reported with the following additional codes: I – International Baccalaureate, C – College in the High School, T – Tech Prep, A – Advanced Placement, K – Cambridge Program, L – Local Competency Test, or N – National Competency Test.


Checked if the course is a CADR/HECB course. This will be included on the Transcript with a Course Designation of B.

This is referenced for the Course Designation Code in both the Course Catalog (D) and Student Grade History (H) files.


Checked if the course is an Online course. This will be included on the Transcript with a Course Designation of O.

This is referenced for the Course Designation Code in both the Course Catalog (D) and Student Grade History (H) files.

Cambridge Program

Checked if the course is a Cambridge Program course. This will be included on the Transcript with a Course Designation of K.

This is referenced for the Course Designation Code in both the Course Catalog (D) and Student Grade History (H) files.

Local Competency Test

Checked if the course is a Local Competency Test course. This will be included on the Transcript with a Course Designation of L.

This is referenced for the Course Designation Code in both the Course Catalog (D) and Student Grade History (H) files.

National Competency Test

Checked if the course is a National Competency Test course. This will be included on the Transcript with a Course Designation of N.

This is referenced for the Course Designation Code in both the Course Catalog (D) and Student Grade History (H) files.

Science Lab

Checked if the course  is a Science Lab course. This will be included on the Transcript with a Course Designation of S.

This is referenced for the Course Designation Code in both the Course Catalog (D) and Student Grade History (H) files.

Non Instructional

Checked if the course is a non-instructional course. This will be included on the Transcript with a Course Designation of Z.

This is referenced for the Course Designation Code in both the Course Catalog (D) and Student Grade History (H) files.

1418 Youth Reengage Dual Credit

Checked if the course is a Youth Reengagement course. This will be included on the Transcript with a Course Designation of Y.

This is referenced for the Course Designation Code in both the Course Catalog (D) and Student Grade History (H) files.

District or Local Dual Credit

Checked if the course is a District Dual Credit course. This will be included on the Transcript with a Course Designation of D.

This is referenced for the Course Designation Code in both the Course Catalog (D) and Student Grade History (H) files.

Local Determined/Administered

Checked if the course is a locally determined course with a locally administered assessment. This will be included on the Transcript with a Course Designation of X.

This is referenced for the Course Designation Code in both the Course Catalog (D) and Student Grade History (H) files.

Local Transition

Checked if the course is a Local Transition course. This will be included on the Transcript with a Course Designation of E.

This is referenced for the Course Designation Code in both the Course Catalog (D) and Student Grade History (H) files.

CTE Core PlusChecked if the course is a CTE Core Plus course. This will be included on the Transcript with a Course Designation of F.

This is referenced for the Course Designation Code in both the Course Catalog (D) and Student Grade History (H) files.

Course LevelSelect the course's level of rigor. The levels are categorized as B - Basic or remedial, C - College, E - Enriched or Advanced, G - General or regular, H - Honors, and X - No specified level of rigor.
Other Industry CertificationChecked if one or more of the following certifications is selected. These courses or certifications are state or nationally industry-recognized certifications available through the CTE course.
ASE Maintenance & Light RepairChecked if the student completed the ASE Maintenance & Light Repair certification.
DOE Wastewater Treatment OpChecked if the student completed the DOE Wastewater Treatment Operation-Group 1 certification.
AWS SENSE Welding Level 1Checked if the student completed the AWS SENSE Welding Level 1 certification.
NCCER Welding Level 1Checked if the student completed the NCCER Welding Level 1 certification.
FAA Aviation Maintenance TechChecked if the student completed the FAA Aviation Maintenance Technician-General certification.
MSSC Certified Logistics TechChecked if the student completed the MSSC Certified Logistics Technician (CLT) certification.
Certified Nursing Aide/AsstChecked if the student completed the Certified Nursing Aide/Assistant (CNA) certification.
Certified Pharmacy TechnicianChecked if the student completed the Certified Pharmacy Technician (CPT) certification.
Educational Aide 1Checked if the student completed the Educational Aide 1 certification.
Cosmetology Operator LicenseChecked if the student completed the Cosmetology Operator License certification.
CompTIA A+ CertificationChecked if the student completed the CompTIA A+ Certification.
Microsoft Technology AssociateChecked if the student completed the Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) Networking Fundamentals certification.
Oracle Cert JAVA SE 8 ProgChecked if the student completed the Oracle Certified Association (OCA) JAVA SE 8 Programmer certification.
Emergency Medical TechnicianChecked if the student completed the Emergency Medical Technician Basic certification.
Microsoft Office Spec -ExcelChecked if the student completed the Microsoft Office Specialist-Excel certification.
Adobe Certified -PhotoshopChecked if the student completed the Adobe Certified Associate (ACA)-Photoshop certification.
Autodesk Certified ProfChecked if the student completed the Autodesk Certified Professional/User-AutoCAD certification.
Landscape Irrigation TechChecked if the student completed the Landscape Irrigation Technician License certification.
Licensed Veterinary TechnicianChecked if the student completed the Licensed Veterinary Technician certification.
OSHA 30 Hr. General IndustryChecked if the student completed the OSHA 30 Hr. General Industry certification.
Am Red Cross, First Aid/CPRChecked if the student completed the American Red Cross, First Aid/CPR certification.
WA St DOH, Food Handlers PermitChecked if the student completed the WA St Dept of Health, Food Handlers Permit certification.
SequenceEnter if Course ID is not null. If the course is not part of a sequence, report code 1 (that is, Part 1 of 1). Courses with the same State Course Code may be reported with a valid code value of 1 (Part 1 of 1) if those courses are not part of the same sequence.
Sequence GroupEnter if Sequence is not null. Courses with the same sequence group value must have the same State Course code being reported.
Tribal Lang Competency TestChecked if the student completed the Tribal Language Competency Test certification.

If the Course does not have these values set up in the Course Catalog before you build your Master Schedule, you may see a message at the top of the page that says:

Please note that the following data has been defaulted. There is currently no data saved for this course.

When you see this message, update the appropriate fields and click Save.

WA ALE Funding Excluded Months

Scheduling > Student Schedules > Schedule Entry > click course description link > Other Student Information section > WA ALE Funding Excluded Months

This page lets you update a student's month-by-month ALE Funded status for a course-section. Check the appropriate month's box to indicate when a student is not ALE Funded. For example, if a student is not ALE Funded for October, November, and December, check the boxes for those 3 months.

For information on how to update WA ALE Funding Excluded Months for all students in a course through a single page, refer to the Student Course District-Defined Entry section. For details on how the CEDARS Download calculates a student's ALE Funded setting, refer to Determining ALE Funded for CEDARS E09 and H27.

Determining ALE Course Type for CEDARS E09 and H27

Following are steps the CEDARS Download performs to determine a student's ALE Course Type setting in the Student Schedule (E) and Student Grade History (H) files. The logic is the same for both files except where explicitly pointed out below.

To summarize, if the download finds that a student has a record on the WA ALE Funding Excluded Months page, then for an ALE Funded course, it needs to figure out which month to use to get the student's ALE Course Type status. For the Student Schedule file, the download either uses the End Date entered on the CEDARS Download/Extract page, or it uses the month from the last date the student was in the course. For the Student Grade History file, the download takes the Marking Period End Date for the mark getting reported, or it uses any course drop or withdrawal date prior to the end of the graded term. For a detailed explanation, refer to the following logic flow.

To determine the ALE Course Type value, the download performs these steps:

  1. Look at the course-section's ALE Funded setting on the WA Course Information page, Master Schedule level.
    1. If the field is blank or N, set ALE Course Type to N for the student.
    2. For any other selected value, continue to Step 2.
  2. If the ALE Funded field has a value of T, U, O, R, or S (valid only prior to 2018-2019), look to see if the student has a record for student course district-defined page 421 (WA ALE Funding Excluded Months).
    1. If the student does not have a record for schd_stu_user where screen_number = 421, then set ALE Course Type based on the value from the WA Course Information page, ALE Funded.
    2. If the student does have a record for this page, continue to Step 3.
  3. In this step, the download begins determining whether the student is considered ALE Funded based on the month from the End Date you chose when you entered prompts on the CEDARS Download/Extract page. So, start by getting this End Date prompt.
  4. Determine if the course met as of the End Date from Step 3. The End Date is compared to a date from reg_mp_dates (Administration > Registration Setup > Calendars > Marking Periods > Dates section), but the method for getting this second date differs depending whether you run Student Schedule or Student Grade History.
    1. For Student Schedule, the download looks at the Marking Periods when the course meets (schd_ms_mp found in Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > Master Schedule: Marking Periods). It then gets associated date ranges from the Marking Periods setup. If the Step 3 End Date falls on a date the course meets, use the End Date's month when finding out the student's ALE Funded status. If the course ended before the End Date, use the Marking Period End Date when the course last met.
    2. For Student Grade History, use field H18, the Term End Date for the grade getting reported, and use the month from this date to determine the student's ALE Funded status.
  5. Now the download finds the last date when the student was in the course. If the student was in the course the entire time, the processing is as follows:
    1. If the Step 3 End Date falls within the duration of the course, take the End Date month, and compare to the appropriate month's checkbox setting on WA ALE Funding Excluded Months. If the box is not checked, report ALE Course Type based on the WA Course Information page. If the box is checked, report N for ALE Course Type.
    2. If the End Date comes after the last Marking Period End Date for the course, take the final Marking Period's End Date month, and compare to the corresponding month's checkbox on WA ALE Funding Excluded Months. If the box is not checked, report ALE Course Type based on the WA Course Information page. If the box is checked, report N for ALE Course Type.
    3. If the student either withdrew from school or dropped the course prior to the course end (Student Schedule) or term end for the reported course mark (Student Grade History), refer to Step 6.
  6. In a case where the student withdrew or dropped the course, processing is as follows:
    1. If the Step 3 End Date is after the course end (Student Schedule) or reported Term End Date (Student Grade History), take the Course Dropped Date (schd_stu_crs_dates.date_dropped), Student Withdrawal Date (reg_entry_with.withdrawal_date), or, if both exist, earliest of the two dates. Use the month from this date and compare it to the corresponding month's checkbox on WA ALE Funding Excluded Months. If the box is not checked, report ALE Course Type based on the WA Course Information page. If the box is checked, report N for ALE Course Type.
    2. If the Step 3 End Date is before the course end (Student Schedule), determine whether the student dropped or withdrew before the Step 3 End Date. If the student is in the course as of the End Date, use that month to find the corresponding checkbox setting on WA ALE Excluded Months. If the box is not checked, report ALE Course Type based on the WA Course Information page. If the box is checked, report N for ALE Course Type.
    3. If the Step 3 End Date is before course end (Student Schedule) and the student withdrew or dropped the course before that prompted download End Date, take the Course Dropped Date (schd_stu_crs_dates.date_dropped), Student Withdrawal Date (reg_entry_with.withdrawal_date), or, if both exist, earliest of the two dates. Use the month from this date and compare it to the corresponding month's checkbox on WA ALE Funding Excluded Months. If the box is not checked, report ALE Course Type based on the WA Course Information page. If the box is checked, report N for ALE Course Type.

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