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Vocational Completer Page

Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Student > Transcript Summary > select course > Course Information panel > Other Student Course Mark Information > WA Vocational Completer 

The Vocational Completer page tracks whether a particular course from the student's transcript served as the final course for completing a Career & Technical Education program of study. The information on this page is included in the Student Grade History file for CEDARS data processing.

You can update fields on this page manually or on a course-by-course basis. You can also set up Graduation Requirement groups with rules facilitating automatic update of the Vocational Completer and Tech Prep Completer boxes through the WA Vocational Completer calculation.



Vocational Completer

Checked if the course served to complete a CTE program area for the student. You can update this field manually, or, based on additional setup, you can have the system determine this setting based on the WA Completer Calculation described later in this guide.

Industry Certificate

Checked if the student earned an industry-specific certification for the course.

Tech Prep Completer

Checked if the course served to complete a sequence of courses in accordance with the Tech Prep Completer definition. The student is considered a Tech Prep Completer based on finishing all courses in a program area that make up the high school's portion of the Tech Prep Articulation Agreement, having earned a B or higher for each course.

Based on additional setup, you can have this field checked when appropriate using the WA Completer Calculation. The prerequisites and processing are described later in this guide.

Took/Passed Nat/State Asmt

Indicates whether the student has taken and passed a state or nationally recognized assessment in the CTE course.

Select one of the following:

0 – No, did not take an assessment
1 – Yes, took the test but did not pass
2 – Yes, took the test and passed

Updating Vocational Completer Using Mark Entry by Course

Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Office > Report Card by Course > select course > Students panel > click Additional Options > select Change Display Options > WA Vocational Completer
You can enter Vocational Completer information for students on a course-by-course basis using the Mark Entry by Course option. It allows you to list the students taking a course-section, select the WA Vocational Completer tab, update vocational and tech prep completer data for as many students in the course as needed, and then save this information to the WA Vocational Completer student mark reporting course district-defined page for each student.
By default, the Vocational Completer fields will not display on the Students panel. To display these fields, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Additional Options button on the Students panel.
  2. Click Change Display Options.
  3. Check the box for WA Vocational Completer.

To enter Vocational Completer information for students by course:

  1. Use the Mark Entry by Course Search to list students and mark slots for the course section.

Building – Enter the building where the course is scheduled.
Report Card Run – Select the Report Card Run for entering course grades.
Course-Section – Select the course and section numbers.

  1. Click Enter Marks. The Mark Entry By Course page lists students and mark slots for the course.
  2. Select the WA Vocational Completer checkbox . It shows the fields stored on the WA Vocational Completer student Mark Reporting course district-defined page. If a student already has a saved Vocational Completer record for the course, the data displays when you open the WA Vocational Completer tab.
  3. Update fields as needed for the listed students.

Vocational Completer – Checked if the course served to complete a CTE program area for the student. You can track this field manually or through following prerequisites and processing the WA Completer Calculation.
Industry Certificate – Checked if the student earned an industry-specific certification for the course.
Tech Prep Completer – Checked if the course served to complete a sequence of courses in accordance with the Tech Prep Completer definition.
Took/Passed Nat/State Asmt – Indicates whether the student has taken and passed a state or nationally recognized assessment in the CTE course.

  1. If you want to delete the student's Vocational Completer record for the course-section, check the Delete box.
  2. Click Save. Your updates are saved to the WA Vocational Completer page for the appropriate student Mark Reporting course records.
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