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Student Absence (N) File Errors and Warnings

Error/Warning Message


ERROR: Building: XXX, Student: XXXXXX: "Student's SSID cannot be blank

If the State SSID is blank/null, then this error is displayed.

Add the State SSID from the menu path:

Select Registration, choose Entry & Reports, Student Demographic, and then select Personal: State SSID field.

WARNING: Building: XXX, Student: XXXXXX: "State ID for the student is more than 10 characters. The first ten characters only will be used

If the State SSID is more than 10 characters, then this error is displayed.

Add 10 characters to the State SSID from the menu path:

Select Registration, choose Entry & Reports, Student Demographic, and then select Personal: State SSID field.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.