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Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Personal 

Federal panel
We have removed the Unanswered option for the Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity field. You must select Yes or No. If you select Yes, then you must enter at least one value in the Hispanic Code field.
You will notice that one of the choices in the Hispanic Ethnicities lookup window is 10 – Not Hispanic. If a student is not Hispanic, you DO NOT need to put this value in the Hispanic Code field. When the CEDARS files are produced, the system will translate a No in the Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity field to a 10 in the Ethnicity file.
The Ethnicity Collection Method tracks how the reported Hispanic field value was collected for the student.
The Race Collection Method tracks how the reported Race field value was collected for the student.
Legal/Birth Information panel
Use the Personal page Gender field as an override of the value from the student's Registration page. The Personal page includes the option Non-Binary. Use this if you are reporting Gender for a student who identifies as not exclusively female or male. This is included in the District Student (B) CEDARS file.
Program-Tracked Fields
In Washington, several fields on the Personal page are program/date-tracked. The following table shows the fields, the program that they are linked to and what CEDARS program code they are used for or what file they are a part of.



CEDARS Program Code(s)

CEDARS File (Element)

 Meal Status

WAMEL – WA Meal Status

19 – Free Reduced Meals Participation


 Homeless Status

WASD – Student District Fields


District Student File (B21)

504 Plan

WA504 – WA 504 Plan

16 – 504



WAIEP – Individualized Education Program




WAMIG– WA Migrant

17 – Migrant




15 – Title III Immigrant

District Student File (B31)

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