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October 2023 Minor Maintenance Release

This change has been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_23.9.1.0



Release Note

ESP-89167Create CEDARS Download/Extract

Updated business rules for the Bilingual (J) file:

  • Zero in Second and Fourth Digits:
    • If the student's Kindergarten Entry/Withdrawal record entry date is PRIOR to January 1st, the validation is updated to allow them to have 0 in the second digit and fourth digit of their record.
  • Special Handling for Transfers:
    • For students with a Kindergarten Entry/Withdrawal record entry date AFTER January 1st AND an entry Code State Equivalent value of 1, 2, 3, or a new dummy state code equivalent (999), the validation is updated to allow them to have 0 in the second digit and fourth digit.

Additional Details:

  • The new dummy state code equivalent (999) is introduced for implementing the second business rule. This code will not be reported in the files but will be used by the system for validation purposes.
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