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June 2023 Minor Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_23.5.1.0



Release Note

ESP-86280Create CEDARS Download/Extract

Updated the Initial Evaluation And Eligibility Timelines (U) business rule: Reason for IEP after 3 is required for students when the Initial Eval Outcome is 4 or 6 and Initial IEP Meeting is not null and is after the student’s third birthday, but before the student’s fifth birthday.

ESP-86015Create CEDARS Download/Extract

Added a filter to retrieve the courses from an active building.

Updated the fetch processing in the error log to show the correct Staff ID.

ESP-85939Create CEDARS Download/Extract

Added a validation check to allow '0' as the second and fourth digits in Test Scale Score for Kindergarten students and populate the following error messages if the validation fails:

  • The second digit in Test Scale Score for the student should be between 0 and 6.
  • The fourth digit in Test Scale Score for the student should be between 0 and 6.
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