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February 2023 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_23.2.0.0



Release Note

ESP-83045Create CEDARS Download/Extract

Added the business validation for the WA CEDARS Initial Evaluation/Eligibility Timelines (U) download:
”Reason for IEP Developed After Third Birthday (U12) must be NULL if the Outcome of Initial Evaluation/Eligibility (U10) is 4/5/6 and when the Date of IEP Meeting (U11) is before the student’s third birthday or after their fifth birthday.”

ESP-82766Create CEDARS Download/Extract

Updated valid values for the D, Q, and V files:

  • Added valid values to the CTE Equivalency (D13) field on the WA Course Information page.
  • Added valid values to the Extended Learning Time (Q15) and Tutoring Intervention (Q16) fields on the WA LAP page.
  • Added valid value to the Support Determination (v09) field on the WA Student Support page.
ESP-82189WA Course Information and Create CEDARS Download/Extract

Updated the WA Student Non-Traditional Credit Attempt (T) download processing to add the following warning message if the Course Level is null and the Course ID is not null.

Warning Message: Course Level is required if the Course ID is not null.

ESP-82188WA Restraint and Isolation and Create CEDARS Download/Extract

Updated the WA Students Restrained or Isolation (S) download processing to add the following warning message, if the records are submitted with the same Action ID (element S06) but not having the same Staff Involvement Status (element S12).

Warning Message: Restraint and Isolation records with the same Action ID must have the same Staff Involvement Status.

ESP-82187Incident Detail (WA Safety and Security Staff Involvement) and Create CEDARS Download/Extract

Updated the WA Student Discipline (R) download processing to add the following warning message if the Staff Involvement Outcome is not null when the Staff Involvement Status is 01.

Warning Message: Staff Involvement Outcome must be null when the Staff Involvement Status is 0 - Safety or Security Staff were not involved.

Updated the WA Student Discipline (R) download processing to add the following warning message if the Staff Involvement Type is not null when the Staff Involvement Status is 0.

Warning Message: Staff Involvement Type must be null when the Staff Involvement Status is 0 - Safety or Security Staff were not involved.

ESP-81485Create CEDARS Download/Extract and WA Initial Evaluation and Eligibility

Updated the Initial Evaluation and Eligibility Timelines (U) download processing to pick only Regular Calendar records.

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