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Discipline Incident Entry and Student Exclusionary Discipline (R) Records

Interventions > All > Student > Behavior Incidents 

For information on prerequisites for reporting Student Discipline records, refer to the Discipline Validation Tables section.
The Create CEDARS Download/Extract option lets you download Student Exclusionary Discipline (R) records showing students involved in discipline incidents, the offenses for those students, disciplinary actions taken, and weapons involved, if any. Based on the processing prompts you select and filter criteria you enter, the CEDARS Download selects the appropriate discipline incidents and then creates a record for each student offender associated with the selected incidents.
The download follows these rules when creating records:

  • It creates an R record whenever a student offender has an Offense defined with a State Code Equiv in the Incident/Offense Codes validation table. If a student has more than one offense associated with a particular discipline incident, the CEDARS download looks at Severity Order assigned for the offenses in the Incident/Offense Codes table. The offense with the highest priority Severity Order gets reported for the student and incident, with 1 being the highest priority.
  • It creates an R record for each Action Code assigned to the student for the discipline incident. If an Action Code does not have a State Code Equiv set up in the Offense Actions table, it is reported as NA in the R record's Exclusionary Action Applied field. If a reported student has no Action Code for a reported Offense, then the R record again has an Exclusionary Action Applied value of NA.
  • The download uses a couple additional conversion rules in a case where a student offender has more than one Weapon entered for the same reported incident. The download reports the Weapon Type as MF – Multiple Firearms if the student has both HG and RS Weapon codes for the same incident. The download reports Weapon Type as FO – Firearm and Other Weapon If the student has (1) HG or RS and (2) KD – Knife or Dagger or OW – Other Weapon.

CEDARS Offender Action

Interventions > All > Office > Incident Detail > Offenders panel > select View Detail > Actions panel > select Action > CEDARS Offender Action section > click Add
Use these fields to enter information for the Student Exclusionary Discipline (R) record. For these fields to display on the Offender Detail page, you must first save an Action Code for the student.



Exclusionary Time Total Amount

Total time the student is excluded from their regular school setting during the associated discipline action. Express this value in terms of days, entered to the nearest 0.1.

Interim Alternative Education

Checked if the offender receives special education services and, due to disciplinary action, is receiving services in an Interim Alternative Education Setting.

  • Leave this box cleared if you are reporting an Action Applied value of NA.
  • If this box is checked, the student must also be reported as receiving special education services in the Student Special Education Programs (K) file.

Academic Services

Code indicating if academic services, as defined by your district's policy, were offered to the student during a suspension or expulsion and whether the student participated.

This requires a value if Exclusionary Action Applied is any value other than NA.

Behavior Services

Code indicating if behavior services, as defined by your district's policy, were offered to the student during a suspension or expulsion and whether the student participated.

This requires a value if Exclusionary Action Applied is any value other than NA.

Petition Readmission Submitted

Date a Petition for Readmission was submitted by or on behalf of an expelled or suspended student.

Petition Readmission Granted

Date a Petition for Readmission was granted or approved for an expelled or suspended student.

Petition for Extension

Code indicating if a petition was made requesting the suspension or expulsion to exceed one calendar year.

This requires a value if the reported Exclusionary Action Applied is EX – Expulsion.

Reengagement Plan

Code indicating whether your district developed a reengagement plan for the student's return from suspension or expulsion.

This requires a value if the reported Exclusionary Action Applied is LS – Long Term Suspension or EX – Expulsion.

Reengagement Meeting Held

Reengagement meeting date for a student returning from suspension or expulsion.

Appeal Code

Code indicating if a suspension or expulsion was appealed.

This requires a value if the reported Exclusionary Action Applied is EE, LS, or EX.

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