Discipline Incident Entry and Student Discipline (P) Records
Interventions > All > Office > Incident Detail
Important: This section describes incident entry related to the CEDARS Student Discipline record which is retired as of the 2018-19 school year. You can still download and extract (P) records if you run the Create CEDARS Download/Extract option using a School Year prompt selection for any year earlier than 2018-19.
For information on prerequisites for reporting Student Discipline records, refer to the Interventions Validation Tables section.
The Create CEDARS Download/Extract option lets you download Student Discipline records showing students involved in discipline incidents, the offenses for those students, disciplinary actions taken, and weapons involved, if any. Based on the processing prompts you select and filter criteria you enter, the CEDARS Download selects the appropriate discipline incidents and then creates a record for each student offender associated with the selected incidents.
For any single discipline incident, one Student Discipline record gets created per student offender. This is true even if the student has multiple offenses for the incident. Following are clarifications on the way the download determines which offense, discipline action, or weapon to report in cases where the student has more than one.
Multiple offenses for the same discipline incident – If a student has more than one offense associated with a particular discipline incident, the CEDARS download looks at Severity Order assigned for the offenses in the Incident Codes Discipline validation table. The offense with the highest priority Severity Order gets reported for the student and incident, with 1 being the highest priority.
Multiple disciplinary actions for the same incident – If the CEDARS download reports a student offense that has multiple disciplinary actions, it reports the Disciplinary Action Date as the Scheduled Start Date of the first action it finds for the incident that is set up with a State Code Equiv in the Offense Actions validation table. The download uses the database table column disc_off_action.action_number to determine the order of the actions.
For the Intervention Applied, the download uses the Action Code with the highest priority Severity Order in the Offense Actions table, with 1 being the highest priority.
To determine Number of Disciplinary Action Days Applied, the download totals Actual Duration days for all Action Codes with State Code Equivs which are also saved in the WA District page's Disciplinary Actions field.
Multiple weapons for the same incident – If the CEDARS download finds multiple weapons associated with a discipline incident for the same student, it reports the first listed weapon (Interventions > All > Office > Incident Detail > Offenders panel > Offense Information section). Make sure the first listed weapon is the one you want reported in the Student Discipline file.
WA Offender Information
Interventions > All > Office > Incident Detail > Offenders panel > select View Detail > Other Offender Information panel > click Add > WA Offender Information
Field | Description/Use |
Interim Alternative Education | Checked if the offender receives special education services and, due to disciplinary action, is receiving services in an Interim Alternative Education Setting. |
Academic Services | Code indicating if academic services, as defined by your district's policy, were offered to the student during a suspension or expulsion and whether the student participated. |
Behavior Services | Code indicating if behavior services, as defined by your district's policy, were offered to the student during a suspension or expulsion and whether the student participated. |
Petition Readmission Submitted | Date a Petition for Readmission was submitted by or on behalf of an expelled or suspended student. |
Petition Readmission Granted | Date a Petition for Readmission was granted or approved for an expelled or suspended student. |
Petition to Exceed > 1 Year | Code indicating if a petition was made requesting the suspension or expulsion to exceed one calendar year. |
Reengagement Meeting Held | Reengagement meeting date for a student returning from suspension or expulsion. |
Reengagement Plan | Code indicating whether your district developed a reengagement plan for the student's return from suspension or expulsion. |
Appeal Code | Code indicating if a suspension or expulsion was appealed. |
Reporting Emergency Expulsion Days to Conversion
In the Student Discipline (P) file, the CEDARS Download checks to see if the reported incident's Corrective or Disciplinary Action Applied (P09) was converted from the EE – Emergency Expulsion intervention. If so, the download reports field P15, Emergency Expulsion Days to Conversion. The process looks like this:
- Determine the value for field P09, Corrective or Disciplinary Action Applied, which comes from the State Code Equiv for the reported Action code.
- If P09 is not EE – Emergency Expulsion, check the student's remaining discipline Actions for this incident to see if there is an Emergency Expulsion.
- If the student did have an Emergency Expulsion for the incident (Action mapping to a State Code Equiv of EE), the download reports the following:
- Emergency Expulsion (P14) is set as Y.
- Emergency Expulsion Conversion Days (P15) is the Actual Duration for the action reported in Step 1. If there is no Actual Duration, use Scheduled Duration.
- If the student did not have an Emergency Expulsion, then P14 is reported as N, and P15 is left blank.
If the reported Intervention Applied is EE – Emergency Expulsion, then Emergency Expulsion (P14) is reported as Y, and Emergency Expulsion Conversion Days (P15) is blank since the discipline Action was not converted.