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April 2023 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_23.4.0.0



Release Note

ESP-84455Validation Tables (Language Codes and Non-Public Agency)

Updated the Language codes and Non-Public Agency codes.

ESP-84454Create CEDARS Download/Extract

Implemented the business rule for U12 element and added the following error message:

Error Message: Reason for IEP Developed After Third Birthday is required when Date of Initial Evaluation/Eligibility Determination is between the student’s third and fifth birthday and Outcome of Initial Evaluation/Eligibility is 6.

ESP-84392Create CEDARS Download/Extract

Updated the CEDARS download warning message only to display for Transitional Kindergarten:

  • If the Grade is K1 and the Placement Test Score (J20) is other than 0:
    Warning Message: The Placement Test Score for Kindergarten students should be 0.
  • If the Grade is K1 and the Overall Placement Test Score (J23) is other than 0.0:
    Warning Message: The Overall Placement Test Score for Kindergarten students should be 0.0.
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