02_12_2016 WA Transcript and CEDARS Discipline Release
- WA Transcript 2015-2016 Changes
- WA CEDARS change for WA Seal of Biliteracy
- WA Discipline Changes
- WA Transcript 2015-2016 Changes
- Course Designation Z – Non Instructional has been added
- Added to the COURSE DESIGNATION KEY section of the transcript
- Scheduling Center Master Schedule WA Course Information page
- Course Designation Z – Non Instructional has been added
- Changes to Additional State Requirements
- Reading Standard ending with Class of 2015
- Writing Standard ending with Class of 2015
- English Language Arts Standard starting with Class of 2014 (new)
- Changes to Additional State Requirements
Allowable values:
- Science Standard starting with Class of 2017 (new)
Allowable values:
- Washington Seal of Biliteracy starting with Class of 2015 (new)
Allowable values:
- Washington State Higher Education Placement Agreement starting with Class of 2016
Allowable values:
- Transcript View Setup – Test Scores Tab
Label for the Test Score for English Language Arts Standard:
English Language Arts Standard
Label for the Test Score for Science Standard:
Science Standard
Labels for the Test Score for WA State Seal of Biliteracy: (Labels will only allow up to 5 sets of WA Seal of Biliteracy.)
WA Seal of Biliteracy Language 1
WA Seal of Biliteracy Earned 1 (for Earned Date)
WA Seal of Biliteracy Proficient 1 (for Proficient Date)
WA Seal of Biliteracy Language 2
WA Seal of Biliteracy Earned 2
WA Seal of Biliteracy Proficient 2 … 3, 4, 5
Labels for the Test Score for WA State Higher Ed Placement Agreement:
WA State Higher Education Placement Agreement ELA
WA State Higher Education Placement Agreement MATH
- Test Score Definition Setup
WA Transcript and WA CEDARS – WA Seal of Biliteracy
In Test Score Center, there will be 4 fields associated with one set of Biliteracy information.
Language (for transcript and CEDARS)
Assessment/Provider (for CEDARS)
Proficient Date (for transcript)
Earned Date (for transcript and CEDARS)
If Earned Date has a value, the status would be 'Earned' for the transcript. Then, if Proficient Date has a value and Earned Date does not have a value, the status would be 'Proficient' for the transcript.
Multiple languages can be entered by adding additional groups of these four fields up to five sets.
- Example of the Test Definition setup: The scores will be setup under one Subtest.
- Each language will have a Assessment Provider, Proficient Date, and Earned Date.
- The scores will have a number for each set of Seal of Biliteracy Language. For transcripts, the Transcript View Setup will indicate which fields to use for Seal of Biliteracy set. For CEDARS, the score's state code equiv with the set number will be used to group each set for a program record.
- For CEDARS, the Language state code equiv will be WSBLANG with the set number. Also the Languages validation table can be used as the lookup.
- For CEDARS, the Assessment Provider state code equiv will be WSBPROV with the set number. Also there will a new validation table 'WA Seal of Biliteracy Assessment/Provider" created that can be used as the lookup.
- Proficient Date needs to set up as a date.
- Earned Date needs to set up as a date. For CEDARS, the state code equiv will be WSBEDATE with the set number.
- WA CEDARS change for WA Seal of Biliteracy
For CEDARS Student Programs, test score information for WA Seal of Biliteracy will be used. The program WASSB - Washington State Seal of Biliteracy is being removed from programs along with the field on the WA Graduation Page.
The state code equivs (for each set) in the test definition for the score will create a program record.
Language state code equiv will be WSBLANG
Assessment Provider state code equiv will be WSBPROV
Earned Date state code equiv will be WSBEDATE
For example:
Language 1 – WSBLANG1
Language 2 – WSBLANG2
- WA Discipline Changes
CEDARS Discipline
- Element P08 – Corrective or Disciplinary Action Date
The action date will be the date of the first action of the incident, which has a state code equiv.
- Element P09 – Corrective or Disciplinary Action Applied
The action applied for the incident will be based on the severity order of the action from the Offense Action validation table. Severity order will be given to all actions with a state code equiv. The lower the number in severity order is the higher severity level.
EE – Emergency Expulsion would have the highest severity order number. If EE is found as the highest severity level of the incident, that would mean there were no other actions with higher severity and EE would be sent as the action.
If there are 2 actions with the same highest severity level, the first action of the incident by date will be used.
- Element P10 – Number of Corrective or Disciplinary Action Days
The durations for all action of the incident that has action state code equivs of EX, LS, SS, OT, IS, EE (Not NA) will added together as a total number of days.
A new field, Disciplinary Actions, is added to the district level district defined WA District page for the list of action codes to use to obtain durations. The list of codes will be pre-populated in the field. This will allow for any change in state action codes.