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Regulatory > Virginia > Download > PreID (SDU)



Administration Type

Choose the type of files to be created, either Writing or Non-Writing. This will filter the Test Types shown. The selection defaults to 'All', which will display both Test Types.

School Year

Enter the school year for the Pre-ID file being created.


Choose the reporting period for the Pre-ID file being created, either Fall or Spring.

Marking Period

Clear Records

Select one of the following:

  • Clear only the existing values for this selected run.
  • Clear all existing values for the selected year and reporting period.
  • Do not clear any records. Only add new.

Task/Report Name

Create a name for the current run.

Test Types

Select the appropriate test types.


Regulatory > Virginia > Extract > PreID (SDU)



Administration Type

Choose the type of files to be extracted, either Writing or Non-Writing. This will filter the Test Types shown. The selection defaults to 'All', which will display both Test Types.

School Year

Enter the school year for the Pre-ID file being extracted.


Choose the reporting period for the Pre-ID file being extracted, either Fall or Spring.

Task/Report Name

Create a name for the current run.

Test Types

Select the appropriate test types.

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