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Withdrawal Configuration Form

Menu path: Select Regulatory from the main menu, select Other submenu, select Other, then select Withdrawal Form Configuration.

Define the information to print on the withdrawal forms. This configuration is defined by building. Use the Copy Setups option to copy the configuration from one building to other buildings.

Emergency Withdrawal CodesSelect the withdrawal codes to print Yes for the Emergency Removal value.
Out of School Suspension Withdrawal CodesSelect the withdrawal codes to print Yes for the Out of School Suspension value.
Alternative Program Withdrawal CodesSelect the withdrawal codes to print Yes for the Alternative Program value.
Expulsion Withdrawal CodesSelect the withdrawal codes to print Yes for the Expulsion value.
View TypeSelect the attendance view type for the totals to print on the report.
1st TitleEnter the title to print for the first column of attendance totals for classes. You may enter up to ten characters, but it is recommended to use three or less.

Select the attendance codes to include in the total to display in the first column of attendance for courses.

2nd TitleEnter the title to print for the second column of attendance totals for classes. You may enter up to ten characters, but it is recommended to use three or less.

Select the attendance codes to include in the total to display in the second column of attendance for courses.

Mark TypesSelect the mark types to print on the withdrawal form.
Print Mark Types with Mark ValuesSelect if the mark type code should print with the mark value.

Courses to Print

Choose how courses should print:

  • Active Courses - Prints courses the student was scheduled into during the marking period when the student withdrew from school.
  • All courses from this year - Prints all courses the student was scheduled into during the year.

Last Mark Value

Choose the mark value to print for current courses:

  • Mark from Report Card - Prints the student's mark value for the mark type.
  • Mark from Gradebook - Prints the student's raw mark value for the mark type. The raw mark value is the student's Gradebook average at the time the mark was loaded.

    This value only exists for a mark type after you run Load from Gradebook to load the mark for the mark type. This option does not indicate that the report should include the student's current average from the Gradebook.

  • Blank - Prints no value.

Testing Panel

Use the following fields to enter information for these tests:

Test NameSelect the test definition for the tests.
Tests to PrintSelect to print either the student's highest value or the most recent value.
  • Highest Value - Prints the highest value the student has for the selected score field.
  • Newest - Prints the student's most recent result for the selected score field.
Subtest Name, Mastery Score, and Scale Score fieldsUse these fields to select the scores to print from the test. You can print Math, Reading, Writing, Science, and Social Studies scores for the TAAS/TAKS test.
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