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View Pass Fail Indicators

Menu path: Select Regulatory from the main menu, select Calculations submenu, select View Calculated PEIMS Data, and then select View Pass/Fail Indicators.

Use this option to review the data calculated by the Pass Fail Indicators options.

The View Pass/Fail Indicators page displays the pass fail records (tx_stu_passfail) for the courses the student is taking in the current year. These records are used to create the 415 Student-Course Completion record.

If you need to correct the data, change the appropriate mark reporting information and then run the Pass Fail Indicators calculation (menu path: select Regulatory from the main menu, select Calculations submenu, select Calculations, and then select Pass Fail Indicators) again.

DistrictDistrict number identifying your district.
School YearSchool year for the pass fail record.
Equiv Sequence Number indicating the portion for a course that is more than one semester in length.
 State Id (e0724) State code for the state course that will be reported as the service ID for the 415 record.
Course Code identifying the local course for the pass fail record.
Course Section Code identifying the section of the local course.
Term Term of the course-section taught.
Start DateIf the entry date/Non-Scheduled start date is after the start date of the first MP of the course, this date is used. Otherwise it is the start date of the first MP of the course.
End DateIf the drop date/Non-Scheduled end date is before the last date of the last MP of the course, this date is used. Otherwise it is the last date of the last MP of the course.
Course GradeThe state code equiv of the mark.  See the examples for the Pass/Fail Setup for more details on what mark is used. Only stored for HS Credit Courses.
Final GradeThe state code equiv of the mark.  See the examples for the Pass/Fail Setup for more details on what mark is used. Only stored for the last sequence of a HS Credit Course.
Pass Fail Ind (e0949)Code indicating the outcome for a course taken by a particular student. Refer to the Calculate Pass Fail Indicators for more information on how indicators are calculated.
College Credit HoursCollege credit hours for the course, taken from the PEIMS Course page when applicable. This is shown only if the student received credit for the course, and the mark is flagged as completed through the Pass/Fail calculation.
Course CompletedPulled from the Define Marks panel of the Level Table for the mark used based on the Pass/Fail Setup.
Passfail OverrideChecked if the Calculate Pass Fail Indicators calculation should not recalculate the indicator for the sequence of the local course.
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