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TREx District Export Configuration

Menu path: Select Administration from the main menu, select General Setup submenu, select District District Defined, then select TREx District Export Configuration.

You must complete this setup before you run the TREx Export.



No. of Guardian Record to Send

Enter the number of guardians to include in the TREx export. The TREx export will only include contact type G records for guardians:

  • 0 – send all guardian contacts.
  • 1 – send the guardian contact with the highest priority for the student.
  • 2 – send 2 guardian contacts with the highest priorities for the student.

Certificate Date Screen No.

Enter the Screen Number to report certification dates from a district-defined page.

Certification dates may be reported for students who have completed course work but have not officially graduated, such as if the student fails the state-mandated assessment.

Certificate Date Field No.

Enter the Field Number to report certification dates from a district-defined page.

Certification dates may be reported for students who have completed course work but have not officially graduated, such as if the student fails the state-mandated assessment.

Guardian Name Delimiter

TREx requires guardians to be reported individually. If your district has created one contact which includes both mother and father, then you must define the delimiters to use to derive the separate names of joint contacts. For example, if a guardian was entered as Mary & John Smith, enter: &.

To enter multiple delimiters, enter values in a comma-delimited list.

If the word and is used as a delimiter, include the preceding and trailing space. For example, if the delimiters are and and &, enter: and, &.

TAKS Score Codes as Exempt

Enter the TAKS scores which indicate that the student was exempt from the test. The export ignores these scores.

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