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TFAR Registration

Menu path: Select Regulatory from the main menu, select Reports submenu, select Testing, and then select TFAR Registration.

Use this report to create the Texas Formative Assessment Resource (TFAR) Registration report. The report includes students who are scheduled for the state courses on the as of date and links student information to staff and course information to show the link of which teacher is teaching which students in which courses. The TFAR Registration report will only be generated for students in grade 3 through12 on the as of date. The as of date is also used to determine the value to include for demographic information that is program-tracked.

The report will be sorted by building, school year, course category, and state course code.

To create the TFAR Registration report

  1. Select Regulatory from the main menu, select Reports submenu, select Testing, and then select TFAR Registration.
  2. On the TFAR Registration page, specify the following details to create the file.

    Building List

    Select the code of the buildings to include in the extract.

    Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click Asterisk to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.

    School Year Select the current school year.
    Course Categories

    Select codes for course category that apply to the courses you want to process.

    State Courses Select the state courses mapped to the course category code.
  3. Click Run.
  4. To view task status and retrieve reports, click Tasks/Reports on the Navigation bar.
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