Menu path: Select Regulatory from the main menu, select Extracts submenu, select Extracts, and then select TEDS Extract.
Use this page to extract XML data sets for TSDS PEIMS submissions. You can select the submission periods and specify the data interchanges to include. For an explanation of the submission periods and groups for the TSDS submissions, refer to Overview of TSDS Submissions and TSDS Interchange Submissions by Complex.
Each interchange uses data from one or more PEIMS legacy record types. To populate these record types with data, you must first create the download records before running the TEDS extract.
The organization and campus data are also created as required.
To Run the TEDS Extract
Refer to the submission checklists at the front of this guide for the list of options that should be run before creating the extract files.
- Select Regulatory from the main menu, select Extracts submenu, select Extracts, and then select TEDS Extract.
- On the TEDS PEIMS Extract page, specify how you want to run the option. Refer to the Fields section for more information.
- Click Run.
- Check the log file for errors.
- To locate the file, click Tasks/Reports on the Navigation bar. The file will be listed on the Tasks and Reports page's Reports panel. Save it to your local machine.
Fields | Description |
Building List | Select the codes of the buildings to include in the extract. Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click Asterisk to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply. |
School Year | Select the school year that applies to the extract. |
Submission Period | Select the submission period that applies to the extract, for example, Fall First Submission or Summer Resubmission. Different periods require different submission data. Selecting a period sets checkboxes in the Interchanges to Process section to specify the default data to include in a submission. |
Task/Report Name | If you want to rename the task and report file, change the text displayed in this field. If you use the / (slash) character, _ (underscore) will be used in the task and report name. |
Interchanges to Process Section | This section includes the following subsections, each of which references a specific data interchange:
Identify the data to include in the extract by selecting the appropriate checkboxes within a subsection. Depending on the chosen period in the Submission Period field, some checkboxes will be selected by default, while others may be inaccessible. The default settings ensure that the required data will be included in a submission. |
Loading Multiple Copies to a File
The extract can be run for all buildings or a selected building. It can also be run for a year other than the current eSchoolPlus year. You also can load files multiple times. For example, the InterchangeStaffAssociationExtension (created by selecting options in the Staff Interchange area of TEDS Extract) file contains both the Staff complex type, which typically comes from a Human Resources or Finance system, and the StaffResponsibilitiesExtension, which is created by eSchoolPlus. It is possible to load the HR/Finance-generated version of InterchangeStaffAssociationExtension followed by the eSchoolPlus version of the same file.
Additional Information
The Remote Synchronous (RS) and Remote Asynchronous (RA) attendance data fields will be part of the Basic Reporting Period Attendance and Special Reporting Period Attendance complex types. The Residential Facility complex type includes the In Person, RS, and RA counts.
The Attendance (TX_400) record will download the RS/RA fields similar to the existing fields (eligible days, bilingual, residential facility, pregnancy, and special education).
The Special Ed Attendance (TX_405) record will download the RS/RA fields similar to the existing fields (eligible days v1,2,3, Excess contact hours 1,2,3).
The Vocational Attendance (TX_410) record will download the RS/RA fields similar to the existing fields (eligible days v1,2,3,4,5,6).
The PEIMS student program extension displays the mandatory dyslexia services element for Summer submission in the extract only if a student has dyslexia values 01, 02, and 03. Also, it shows 00 for the dyslexia services element if there are no other dyslexia values for the student.
The Staff Interchange is updated with the following changes:
- Staff Extension (StaffEducationOrgAssignmentAssociationExtension) complex type
The new E1670 Paraprofessional Certification Indicator Code is reported for Educational Aides (Role ID 033) assigned to at least one section where the population served is "06" (Special Education Students). This element is suppressed for staff records that do not meet these criteria. The Paraprofessional Certification Indicator is entered on the Staff Information page and is reported with a value of 1 (Yes) or 0 (No). The default is 0.
Staff Responsibility (StaffResponsibilitiesExtension) complex type
The XML output is updated to include the new Grade Level element for staff with a Role ID of 087, 047, or 033 assigned to classes where the population served for the section is "06". The Grade Level element is suppressed in all other records.
The Student Program Extension Interchange is updated for PEIMS Fall (Submission 1) and Summer (Submission 3) submissions to conform to the 2020-2021 TEA reporting requirements by removing TX-CareerAndTechnologyEd under StudentProgramExtension from report output and UI for Sub 1 and Sub 3 submissions. The StudentCTEProgramAssociationExtension complex type is removed/disabled from the report output/UI for PEIMS Submission 1 and added/enabled to the report output/UI for Submission 3.
The TEDS Extract will report TXBilingualESLFundingCode element in the SpecialProgramsReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension complex type in the StudentAttendanceExtension file for attendance event indicators 02 (regular Bilingual/ESL) and 07 (flexible ESL/Bilingual) for Summer and Extended Year submissions.
The Instructional Setting and Bilingual Funding codes for RA and RS will be reported when the RA/RS days are greater than zero in the SpecialProgramsReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension complex type.
The Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) data is added to the School complex type on the EdOrg interchange file for PEIMS submissions 3 - Summer and 4 - Extended Year.
The TX PEIMS Crisis Codes are updated for 080 and 090 Fall submissions and 101 and 102 Summer submissions to report all the elements in the LocalEducationAgency, School, Student, and StudentSchool complex types.
The School, Calendar Date, and Reporting Period extensions in the Education Organization interchange are updated to report whether or not a school (building) participated in the additional days' program in the School Extension of the Extended Year submission. To set up an ADSY Calendar Day in the Registration Setup, select Calendar T - Traditional with the Day Type set to ADSY - Additional Day School Year. The field for additional days program (ADSY) indicator will be visible only when running the Extended Year submission and not visible for the Summer and Fall submissions. In the Extended Year submission, the additional days' program indicator on the School complex type will be a 1 if there is at least one day type in at least one of the building's calendars with a State Code Equivalent value ADSY; otherwise, it will be a 0.
The reporting period extension will include reporting period 9 - ADSY for the 10-Extended Year First Submission submission period and exclude reporting period 9 - ADSY for the 03-Fall Working Collection submission period. The calendar date extension will include day types with state code equivalent value ADSY for the 10-Extended Year First Submission submission period and exclude day types with state code equivalent value ADSY for the 03-Fall Working Collection submission period.
The BasicReportingPeriodAttendance complex type under the Student Attendance interchange will include reporting period 9 - ADSY for the 10-Extended Year First Submission submission period on the TEDS Extract page.
The StaffResponsibilitiesExtension complex type under the Staff interchange will include reporting period 9 - ADSY for the 10-Extended Year First Submission submission period on the TEDS Extract page. This interchange will report the required fields along with an ADSY Indicator of 1 for the ADSY Staff downloaded.
The SpecialProgramsReportingPeriodAttendance complex type under the Student Attendance interchange will include reporting period 9 - ADSY Attendance Events 02, 04, 05, and 11 for the 10-Extended Year First Submission submission period on the TEDS Extract page. The SpecialProgramsReportingPeriodAttendance complex type will exclude reporting period 9 - ADSY Attendance Events 02, 04, 05, and 11 for the 03-Fall Working Collection submission period.
The prior year TEDS Extract is updated with all changes required for 2021 reporting, including these ADSY state reporting changes.
The Parent Request Retention Indicator data element for the Fall PEIMS Submission will be reported when an enrolled student was retained at the parent or guardian's request. For the 2021-2022 school year, this applies to students in grades PK through 12; for the 2022-2023 school year and beyond, this applies to students in grades PK through 3 only.
The Child Find records will be reported through the Interchanges (Education Organization Interchange - ReportingPeriodExtension, Student Interchange - StudentExtension, Student Enrollment Interchange - StudentSchoolAssociationExtension, and Student Program Interchange - StudentProgramExtension, StudentSpecialEdProgramAssociationExtension, and StudentChildFindAssociationExtension) using the applicable extension.
The CalendarDateExtension is used by the Child Find Collection for students who are referred for a Special Education evaluation and for students under the age of 3 who currently receive Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) services and who are evaluated for eligibility for Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) services also known as Preschool Program for Children with Disabilities (PPCD) after they turn 3.
The SchoolExtension for PEIMS Discipline-related records can be downloaded for Bullying and Cyberbullying flagged incidents as follows:
The Bullying Incident count for Summer Submission is the count of:
- All incidents with an incident/offense code that are assigned a State Code Equivalent value of 21 and a Severity of 99.
Plus - All incidents with an incident/offense code that are assigned a State Code Equivalent value of 61.
The Cyberbullying count for Summer Submission is the count of:
- All incidents with an incident/offense code that are assigned a State Code Equivalent value of 21 and a Severity of 99 and Cyberbully checkbox selected for the incident.
Plus - All incidents with an incident/offense code that are assigned a State Code Equivalent value of 61 and Cyberbully checkbox selected for the incident.
The RestraintEventExtension and DisciplineActionExtension for PEIMS Restraint-related records can be downloaded for the Summer Submission with the Non-Membership Discipline Restraint Indicator Code (discipline incident or restraint event being reported for a special education student enrolled but not in membership) field when the Instructional Setting Code and Primary Disability Code fields are removed.
The StudentSpecialEdProgramAssociationExtension will report Special Education students who have a Residential Facility Indicator (E1629) of “1”, and ADA Eligibility Code “0” (enrolled, not in membership) in the PEIMS Summer Submission.
The SpecialProgramsReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension will report the CTEMultiplier sub-complex type containing the Service ID and the attendance information for Attendance Event 03 - Summer submission.
The StudentExtension will not default the LEP Indicator to 0 for all students in the Fall Submission as per the state requirement.
The StudentExtension and StudentSchoolAssociationExtension will report pre-registered students as part of the CW - Charter School Waitlist submission. All other submissions (except Special Programs) will not include pre-registered students.
The StudentExtension for the ECDS (EK) submission will exclude students that withdrew on the start date of the run range.
The StudentExtension will report the General Education Homebound Indicator as part of the PEIMS Summer Submission showing that a student was provided services through the General Education Homebound program at any time during the current school year.
The StudentSectionAssociationExtension will only report students with the Course Completion Indicator value of 1 to match the Student Transcript complex type.
The Education Organization Interchange will have TX-ChildCarePartnership sub-complex type to be reported in the LocalEducationAgencyExtension when the ECDS PK Collection is selected at runtime. The E1726 - Child Care Operation Number (TX_ChildCareOperationNumber) is reported for each childcare facility partner organization that is active for the school year.
The log file will show counts for students and records processed for the Education Organization, Student, Student Restraint, Student Discipline, Student Enrollment, Student Attendance, Student Program, Staff, SSA Organization, Master Schedule, and Student Transcript interchanges, broken down by category.
The Calendar extract will include calendar days set to be non-membership and have a Waiver Type of 05 - JJAEP School Day with zero Waiver Minutes.
The CalendarDateExtension and ReportingPeriodExtension will exclude calendars with State Code Equiv value 99 for the PEIMS Summer Submission.
The TEDS Extract will determine the current school year versus the prior school year based on the Last School Date value from the Texas Configuration validation table.