Student Downloads Search
Use this option to search records for a download table for multiple students. When you search using this option, the fields in the table display as columns with rows for the records that meet your search criteria.
This tool is helpful if you want to look at the download records in one table based on data in a different download table. For example, you might use this option to review the percent of time for students who are being reported with a preschool grade.
You can also use this tool to create a report of download data as a PDF or Excel (CSV) file. Note that the number of fields in a table will affect how the report displays in the PDF.
The record types available for the Students Download Search are EOCAL - Calendar Date (EDORG), EOCOURSE - Course (EDORG), EOCP - Class Period (EDORG), EOLOCATION - Location (EDORG), EOLOCED - Local Education Agency (EDORG), EOPROGTYPE - Program Type (EDORG), EORESFAC - Residential Facility (EDORG), EORP - Reporting Period (EDORG), EOSCHOOL - School (EDORG), MSCOURSE - Course Offering (MS), MSSECTION - Section (MS), SERESFAC - Student Residential Facility Association (STUENROLL), SESCHOOL - Student School Association (STUENROLL), SESECTION - Student Section Association (STUENROLL), SPHEARAMP - Student Hearing Amplification (STUPROGRAM), SPSPECED - Student Special Ed Program Association (STUPROGRAM), SPLANAQASM - Student Language Acquisition Assessment (STUPROGRAM), SPLANAQSRV - Student Language Acquisition Service (STUPROGRAM), SPSPECED - Student Special Ed Program Association (STUPROGRAM), SPSPED - Student Special Ed Program Association (STUPROGRAM), STCHLDFIND - Student Child Find Association (STUPROGRAM), STFSTAFF - Staff (STAFF), STFCHINC - Teacher Incentive (STAFF), STFTCHSCH - Teacher School (STAFF), STFTCHSECT - Teacher Section Association (STAFF), STU - Student (STUPARENT), STUCRISIS - Student Crisis Impacts, STUINDCERT - Industry Certification (Demographic), STUPARASSC - Student Parent Association (STUPARENT), STUPARENT - Parent (STUPARENT), STUTRUANT - Student Truancy, TX_090 - Staff Responsibilities (90), TX_100 - Identification (100), TX_101 - Demographic (101), TX_102 - UniqueID (102), TX_105 - Student ID Change (105), TX_110 - Enrollment (110), TX_163 - Special Ed Program (163), TX_169 - Career and Tech Program (169), TX_170 - Career and Tech Course (170), TX_203 - School Leaver (203), TX_300 - Campus-Course Section (300), TX_305 - Staff-Teacher Assignments (305), TX_400 - Attendance (400), TX_405 - Special Ed Attendance (405), TX_407 - Extended Year Program (407), TX_408 - Extended Year Services (408), TX_410 - Vocational Attendance (410), TX_415 - Course Completion (415), TX_425 - Discipline (425), TX_435 - Restraint (435), TX_461 - Title I Part A Program (461), TX_500 - OFSDP Attendance (500), TX_505 - OFSDP Special Ed Attendance (505), and TX_510 - OFSDP Vocational Attendance (510).
You can download the records for bullying and cyberbullying flagged incidents.
The Bullying Incident count for Summer Submission is the count of:
- All incidents with an incident/offense code that are assigned a State Code Equivalent value of 21 and a Severity of 99.
Plus - All incidents with an incident/offense code that are assigned a State Code Equivalent value of 61.
The Cyberbullying count for Summer Submission is the count of:
- All incidents with an incident/offense code that are assigned a State Code Equivalent value of 21 and a Severity of 99 and Cyberbully checkbox selected for the incident.
Plus - All incidents with an incident/offense code that are assigned a State Code Equivalent value of 61 and Cyberbully checkbox selected for the incident.
The PEIMS Restraint-related (TX_435) records can be downloaded for the Summer Submission with the Non-Membership Discipline Restraint Indicator Code (discipline incident or restraint event being reported for a special education student enrolled but not in membership) field when the Instructional Setting Code and Primary Disability Code fields are removed.
The Attendance Verification Report (TX_410) download will process records based on service ID for each record so the data can be extracted for the CTEMultiplier complex type and only V1 through V3 fields are calculated.
The Student Download uses the Current CTE Indicator from the District Defined PEIMS Career and Technology page when determining if the Career and Tech Program (TX_169) download should process a student.
To Use the Student Downloads Search
- Select Regulatory from the main menu, select Extracts submenu, select Download Summary, and then select Download Search.
- On the Search page, select the Record Type you want to view.
- You may further define your search by using the Search Criteria panel. The available criteria will vary depending on the Record Type.
- Click Load.
To Create a CSV File
- Click Export to Excel located at the top right corner of the Search Results panel.
- On the Report Options dialog box, use the Column Setup fields to indicate how you want to arrange specified columns within the report. The applicable columns available to setup will vary by each selected record type selected. Enter the name you wish to use for the report. A default name will populate.
- Click OK to create the file.