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Student Detail Report

Menu path: Select Regulatory from the main menu, select Reports submenu, select Attendance, and then select Student Detail.

Use this page to create the student attendance audit detail report for all students by six-week reporting period. The student detail reports adds up to respective totals on the Campus Summary report. For schools offering multiple tracks, student detail report is summarized by individual tracks.

To create the Student Detail report

  1. Select Regulatory from the main menu, select Reports submenu, select Attendance, and then select Student Detail.
  2. On the Student Detail Report page, specify the following details to create the file.




    Select the code of the buildings to include in the extract.

    Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click Asterisk to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.

    Reporting PeriodsSelect the six weeks ADA reporting periods or the PEIMS reporting periods.
    Attendance View

    Select one of the following attendance views:

    • ADA - Period to ADA
    • OFSD - Optional Flexible School Day
    • REMAT - Remote Positive Attendance
    • Sum - Attendance Summary
    • TRUCY - Full Day Truancy
    Run For

    Select the student type for the report:

    • All Students
    • Non OFSDP Students
    • OFSDP Students
    Select to print the signature sheet with the required fields.
    Select to print the report having a page break after each student.
    If you want to rename the task and report file, change the text that displays in this field. If you use the / (slash) character, _ (underscore) will be used in the task and report name.
    Select to create a log file.
  3. For the Unexcused Absences, Excused Absences, and Tardies, give a title name and select the required type based on the Attendance View selected.
  4. Click Run.
  5. To view task status and retrieve reports, click Tasks/Reports on the Navigation bar.

Additional Information

The Student CTE Data filter option has been added to generate the CTE accomplishments in the Student Detail report.

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