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Staff Unique ID Processing

Unique IDs are required for all staff members in order to integrate data in the TSDS Education Data Warehouse. This section gives a procedural overview of how to use eSchoolPlus utilities, both for extracting staff data into a Unique ID request file and upload Unique IDs back into the eSchoolPlus staff records once received back from the TEA.

Unique ID Processing Data Flow

This overview provides the steps taken within eSchoolPlus to create a Staff Unique ID request file and load Unique IDs back into eSchoolPlus once received from TEA.

If your district creates the Unique ID request file through human resources software, ignore the first two steps in this procedure.

Following is an overview outlining the steps and options used to update staff Unique IDs in eSchoolPlus:

  1. Use the Staff Unique ID Extract option to create the .txt file containing staff members requiring Unique IDs from TEA. You can:
    • Run the extract for all buildings or selected buildings.
    • Produce a single file for all buildings or a separate file for each building.
    • Include all staff members meeting your criteria or just those lacking a Unique ID.
  2. Review the extract file.  If needed, re-run Step 1 until you have the .txt file you want to submit to TEA for Unique ID procurement.
  3. Send extracted staff information to TEA.
  4. When you receive Unique IDs back from TEA, save the file to your workstation with the following name: Staff_Unique_ID.txt
  5. In the .txt file, remove header and footer records. This is required for the file upload to update eSchoolPlus from the .txt file in Step 6.
  6. Use the Upload File option to locate the Unique ID file and save it to your eSchoolPlus Tasks and Reports page.
    • Select Administration from the main menu, select Utilities submenu, select Download & Upload, and then select Upload File.
    • Click Browse to locate and select the file you saved in Step 4.
    • Click Upload Records to upload the file to the Tasks and Reports page.
  7. Select Administration from the main menu, select Utilities submenu, select Download & Upload, and then select Run Upload to upload Unique IDs from the text file to records in eSchoolPlus.
  8. On the Run Upload page, your Interface ID selection depends on the software you used to generate the original extract file you sent to TEA:
    • If you created the original extract file using eSchoolPlus, select the Interface ID of SUNID, Staff Unique ID Upload.
    • If you created the original extract file using human resources software, select the Interface ID of SNUID, SSN Staff Unique ID Upload. This upload definition is set up to look for staff Social Security Numbers in the file from TEA for updating Unique IDs in the appropriate eSchoolPlus staff records.
  9. Set the additional fields as follows:
    • Run Mode: select Run upload.
    • Insert New Records: select checkbox.
    • Update Existing Records, select checkbox.
    • Import Directory: select User's Report Directory.
  10. Click Run.

Staff included in the file will now have their Unique ID field updated on the Staff Unique ID district-defined page.

Staff Unique ID Extract

Menu path: Select Regulatory from the main menu, select Extracts submenu, select Other, and then select Staff Unique ID Extract.

Use this utility to create a comma-delimited text file containing information for staff requiring Unique ID assignment by TEA through the Texas Student Data System (TSDS). The text file includes the appropriate header, detail, and trailer records specified by TSDS.

When you receive Unique IDs back from the TEA, you will upload this data into your staff records through the Run Upload option.

To create the Unique ID request file

  1. Select codes from the Buildings drop-down list, or click the asterisk to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.
  2. Select the School Year.
  3. Enter a seven-digit Transmission ID to identify the sender of the file in the Header record.
  4. Select Only Include Staff without Unique IDs if required. Generally, you select this checkbox to extract staff who lack a Unique ID in eSchoolPlus.
  5. To further limit the staff included in the extract, use the Filter panel.
  6. Use the Run panel to determine when to run the utility.
  7. Click Run.
  8. Click Tasks/Reports on the navigation bar to display the Tasks and Reports page, then review the text file and processing log.
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