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September 2023 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_23.9.0.0



Release Note

ESP-89187Validation Tables

Updated the Incident/Offense Codes and Offense Action Reasons validation tables for Discipline to reflect 2023-2024 state changes.

ESP-88664Course/Staff/Student Downloads

Corrected the Attendance (400) download to include students with an active ADSY Indicator program vector at any point during the school year.

ESP-88617TREx Extract

Update the TREx Schema to the current version.

ESP-88614Validation Tables

Updated the TREx validation tables for Industry Certifications, IB Exams, and College Assessments.

ESP-88563Student/Course Download Summary

When editing a student 415 or a course 300 and 305 records with a course sequence that is two characters long, the processing is updated to no longer return an error when saving.

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