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RF Tracker File Layouts

Element NameElement NumbereSchoolPlus TableWhere in eSchoolPlus?


School Year
Select at download promptMenu path: select Regulatory from the main menu, select Extracts submenu, select Downloads, and then select Course/Staff/Student Download
Submission Type
Select at download promptMenu path: select Regulatory from the main menu, select Extracts submenu, select Downloads, and then select Course/Staff/Student Download
Student ID

Entry Gradee1517

Student Unique IDe1523reg_user where screen_number = 10165 and field_number = 1Menu path: select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select Student Unique ID: Unique ID
Entry Datee1630reg_user where screen_number = 10190 and field_number = 2
Menu path: select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select Residential Facility Tracker: Entry Date
Exit Datee1631reg_user where screen_number = 10190 and field_number = 3Menu path: select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select Residential Facility Tracker: Exit Date
Effective Datee1632reg_user where screen_number = 10190 and field_number = 4Menu path: select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select Residential Facility Tracker: Effective Date
Residential Facility ID
e1627reg_user where screen_number = 10190 and field_number = 5
Menu path: select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select Residential Facility Tracker: Residential Facility ID
Residential Facility Campuse0782reg_user where screen_number = 10190 and field_number = 6
Menu path: select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select Residential Facility Tracker: Residential Facility Campus
Attendance Zone Campuse01633reg_user where screen_number = 10190 and field_number = 7
Menu path: select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select Residential Facility Tracker: Attendance Zone Campus
Educated At Facilitye1634reg_user where screen_number = 10190 and field_number = 8
Menu path: select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select Residential Facility Tracker: Educated At Facility
Surrogate Parente1635reg_user where screen_number = 10190 and field_number = 9
Menu path: select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select Residential Facility Tracker: Surrogate Parent
Surrogate Parent Student Counte1636reg_user where screen_number = 10190 and field_number = 10
Menu path: select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select Residential Facility Tracker: Surrogate Parent Other Stu Cnt
RF Instructional Minutese1637reg_user where screen_number = 10190 and field_number = 11
Menu path: select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select Residential Facility Tracker: RF Instructional Minutes
Non-RF Instructional Minutese1638reg_user where screen_number = 10190 and field_number = 12
Menu path: select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select Residential Facility Tracker: Non-RF Instructional Minutes
Prior Instructional Settinge1639txtb_c035 state code where code matches code from reg_user where screen_number = 10190 and field_number = 13Menu path: select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select Residential Facility Tracker: Prior Instructional Setting
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