Report Discipline Incidents
Menu path: From the Interventions menu, choose All, choose Office, and then select Incident Detail.
PEIMS reporting requires that a 425 Disciplinary Action Data – Student record reports for each disciplinary action resulting in the removal of a student from any part of their regular academic program. These actions fall under one of the following categories:
- In-School Suspension (ISS)
- Out-of-School Suspension (OSS)
- Expulsion
- Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP)
- Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (DAEP) assignment
You can download the records for bullying and cyberbullying flagged incidents.
The Bullying Incident count for Summer Submission is the count of:
- All incidents with an incident/offense code that are assigned a State Code Equivalent value of 21 and a Severity of 99.
Plus - All incidents with an incident/offense code that are assigned a State Code Equivalent value of 61.
The Cyberbullying count for Summer Submission is the count of:
- All incidents with an incident/offense code that are assigned a State Code Equivalent value of 21 and a Severity of 99 and Cyberbully checkbox selected for the incident.
Plus - All incidents with an incident/offense code that are assigned a State Code Equivalent value of 61 and Cyberbully checkbox selected for the incident.
You must select the Safe Supportive School Program (SSSP) Team Review element for the PEIMS Summer submission related to the StudentDisciplineIncidentAssociationExtension records.
Use the following fields on the Incident Detail page to create the 425 records.
Incident Fields
Fields | Description |
Type | Converts to the Disciplinary Action Reason Code (e1006) based on the Incident Codes validation table. |
Location | Indicates a location in reference to a school, such as a bus or a hallway, where the discipline incident occurred. This field reports as e1083 in the 425 record. |
Offender Action Fields
Fields | Description |
Action Code | Converts to the Disciplinary Action Code (e1005) based on the Offense Actions validation table. |
Actual Duration | Enter the number of instructional school days (excluding days absent) the student was in attendance when calculating this number. This field reports as the Actual Length of Disciplinary Assignment (e1008). |
Scheduled Duration | Enter the official length in days of a student's disciplinary assignment. Enter only instructional days. This field reports as the Official Length of Disciplinary Assignment (e1007). |
Reason For Difference | If the Actual Duration differs from the Scheduled Duration, choose a reason to report the Disciplinary Length Difference Reason Code (e1009). The code converts to the PEIMS code based on the Offense Action Reason validation table. |
Responsibility Building | Enter the building number to report as the Campus ID of Disciplinary Responsibility (e1037), typically the student's enrollment building. |
Assignment Building | The assignment building populates based on the action code when entering a new action.
Do not enter a value in this field for action codes that should not have an assignment building in the 425 record. |
Date Determined | Enter the date when the disciplinary assignment was ordered. Optionally, this date may reflect when the incident occurred or when the action assignment began. The date reports as the Date of Disciplinary Action (e1036). |
Report the Campus ID of Disciplinary Assignment
The Campus ID of Disciplinary Assignment (e1003) reports directly from the Assignment Building field for the action. For more information, refer to the Discipline Campus ID List table.