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Pass Fail Indicators

This option will create pass fail records (tx_stu_passfail) for the courses the student is taking in the current year. The pass fail records will be used to create the 415 Student-Course Completion record. You need to run this calculation for buildings that have students in grades 01 – 12.

When you run this calculation, the system creates records based on the sequence information for the course as entered in the PEIMS Course. For example, a full-year course that has a sequence of 12 will have 2 pass fail records where semester 1 is listed as sequence 1 and semester 2 is listed as sequence 2. Additionally, the calculation checks the following information for the local course records:

Student Marks

  • Did the student receive one of the marks selected in the Incomplete Marks field on the Calculate Pass Fail Indicators page? If so, then 09 is reported as the indicator.
  • Was the mark that the student received for this part of the course a passing or failing mark? The calculation uses the value for the Passing field in the level table selected in the Course Level field of the Master Schedule.
  • Were marks issued for a course but not for a particular student? If the student has mark slots defined for the course with no marks entered, assign the 00 Pass/Fail Indicator.
  • If the building's Average Setup takes into account End of Course exam Mark Types and the Pass/Fail Setup has EOC Mark Types defined, the calculation can use the 07 indicator for cases where the student has a passing course average but no course credit due to a failed End of Course exam.


  • Did the student earn credit for this part of the course?
  • Does the student have a credit override reason for earned credit that corresponds to an Override Flag for the Pass Fail Indicators (txtb_c136) validation table? If so, then the system will use the associated indicator.
  • Is the student's earned credit 0 and the earned credit override set to the code entered in the Credit Override Reason for Excessive Absences field in the Assign Credit Setup? If so, then the system will use 04 as the indicator.
  • Does the student have an Attempted Credit Override Reason for the course matching the building's Attempted Ovr Reason from the Pass/Fail Setup?  If so, the calculation skips the course, and no Pass/Fail Indicator gets assigned.

Course Dates

  • For non-scheduled courses only:  Does the student have any courses where the student course dates fall outside the date range when the course is actually set up to meet based on the Master Schedule? The Pass/Fail Calculation will process this course and issue a warning. For example, a course might be defined to meet in Marking Periods 1 and 2, and Marking Period 1 begins on 9/05/2015.  The student has course added and dropped dates on 9/04/2015. A Pass/Fail record would be created in this case along with a warning in the log file.
  • Did the student complete the course and receive a mark for a mark type from the building's Pass/Fail Setup before the Snapshot Date defined in the Texas Configuration (menu path: select Administration, General Setup, District, and then choose Validation Tables. Select Texas State Reporting and then choose Texas Configuration)? If so, the Pass/Fail Calculation processes the course and sets the Pass/Fail Indicator.

Use the menu path: select Regulatory, Calculations, View Calculated PEIMS Data, and then choose View Pass/Fail Indicators option to view the calculated attendance records. Refer to the View Calculated PEIMS Data section for more information.

The calculation will create records for all courses for students in grades 1-12, including courses for elementary and middle school students and courses where a passing mark was assigned but no credit was given. The log file will indicate that a pass/fail indicator was not issued for courses with passing grades but no credit.


  • Marks must be entered for the mark type used to calculate pass fail indicators.
  • Although Pass Fail indicators are calculated based on local courses, you may need to run the Build Course Equivalency. If you assign credit based on the state course records, you must run the Build Course Equivalency option prior to running the Assign Course Credit so credit can be pushed down to the local courses.
  • Calculate earned credit using the Course Credit Calculation.
  • Verify that the Pass/Fail Setup is correct (menu path: select AdministrationGeneral SetupDistrict, and then choose Validation Tables. Select Texas State Reporting).

To run the Calculate Pass Fail Indicators

  1. Select the menu path: select Regulatory, Calculations, Calculations, and then choose Pass Fail Indicators
  2. Specify the calculation options. For more information, refer to the Fields table.
  3. Click Run.
  4. Use the Tasks/Reports options on the Navigation bar to view task status and retrieve reports.

Building List

Buildings for calculating Pass Fail Indicators.

Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click Asterisk to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.


Select the Terms for calculating Pass Fail Indicators.

Incomplete Marks

Select the marks that indicate that the student should have a Pass Fail indicator of 09 – Course Work Is Incomplete And No Credit Has Been Awarded – for the course.

Task/Report Name

If you want to rename the task and report file, change the text that displays in this field. If you use the / (slash) character, _ (underscore) will be used in the task and report name.

Pass/Fail Calculation Rules for Indicators

In cases where the calculation looks for another part of a state course or occurrences of a data condition, it always uses the current year. The calculation does not look across school years in these situations.


How It's Calculated


The student was dropped without marks, the mark is flagged as not completed, or the student's mark is blank. Note that the Pass/Fail Calculation does not process courses scheduled as non-graded or defined so they will not receive marks. A course is processed only if it issues a grade for a mark type from the Pass/Fail setup.


The student earned full credit for the course (or marking period, if credit is split), and the mark value for the mark type is a passing mark.


The student did not earn full credit, the mark is not a passing mark, and this is the first time this state course has been processed for the student.


The student did not earn full credit, the mark is not a passing mark, and this is the second time this state course has been processed for the student.


The student did not earn full credit, the mark is a passing mark, but the student has a credit override reason indicating excessive absences. For the calculation to assign the 04 indicator, you need to set up the following in each building's Assign Course Credit Setup, Absence Rules section:

  • Make sure the Check for Excessive Absences box is checked. (* - see the note following this table for more)
  • Select the appropriate Credit Override Reason for Excessive Absences. The Pass/Fail Calculation checks a student course record's Earned Credit Override Reason to see if it matches the code you define here. When the calculation finds a match, the course gets the 04 indicator.


The student did not earn full credit, the mark is a passing mark, but the student has a credit override reason indicating excessive absences, and this is the second time this has happened for this state course for this year.


The student did not earn full credit, the mark is a passing mark, the building uses average marks or partial credit, this is not the first part of the course, and the student has not taken the first part of the course in the current year.


The student did not earn full credit, the mark is a passing mark, the building uses average marks or partial credit, this is not the first part of the course, and the student failed a previous part of the course.


The student did not earn full credit, the mark is a passing mark, and the student has a failing End Of Course mark.


The student earned full credit for the course (or marking period, if credit is split), and the mark value for the mark type is a failing mark.


The student did not earn full credit and the mark is one of the Incomplete Marks as defined in the prompts when running the calculation.


The student did not earn full credit, the mark is a passing mark, but the student already passed this state course for this year.


The student did not earn full credit, the mark is not a passing mark, and this is the third or greater time this state course has been processed for the student.


The student did not earn full credit, the mark is a passing mark, but the student has a credit override reason indicating excessive absences, and this is the third time this has happened for this state course for this year.


The student has a passing mark, and the course's building type is a non-high school building.


The student has a failing mark, and the course's building type is a non-high school building.

* For the Pass/Fail Calculation to assign the 04 indicator for a course, the associated building's Assign Course Credit Setup needs the Check for Excessive Absences box checked. If you do not want credit denied automatically based on absences when the Assign Course Credit calculation is run, define the setup's Absences field with a high number of absences that a student would never exceed, such as 999.

Earned Credit Override Reasons and Pass/Fail Indicators

You can set up the Pass/Fail Indicators validation table so that the calculation can assign indicators to student courses based on Earned Credit Override Reasons from student mark reporting course records. To do so, associate the appropriate Credit Override Reason code with an indicator in the menu path: select AdministrationGeneral SetupDistrict, and then choose Validation Tables. Select Texas State Reporting and then choose Pass Fail Indicators.

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