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This section will explain the options used to calculate data for Texas.

Menu Option


Attendance Contact Hours

Use this option to create the attendance and contact hours records you need to report for ADA and other programs. This option must be run before 6 week attendance reports and the summer submission.

Career Tech/Contact Hours

Use this option to create the program tracking records for the career technology courses in a student's schedule. This option must be run before the Attendance Contact Hours calculation. Career Tech information is required for the fall and summer submissions and for the 6 week attendance reports.

Pass Fail Indicators

Use this option to calculate the pass/fail indicators that are reported as part of the 415 record. You must complete all procedures to calculate earned credit before you run this option.

Build PEIMS OFSDP Records

Use this option to build the OFSDP records if your district is using an attendance view to report OFSDP. If you calculate OFSDP records, you must run this option before you run Attendance Contact Hours.

Truancy 10 Day CalculationUse this option to calculate the student truancy record for the Summer submission. This option must be run after the Day Totals calculation.
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