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Overview of TSDS Submissions

On this page:

Submission Periods

  • Submission 1 - Fall: State of the LEA as of the Fall Snapshot date (last Friday in October). Budget data is for the current school year.

    Leaver data are reported based on leaver status as of the last Friday in September.

  • Submission 3 - Summer: Yearlong student attendance, course completions, disciplinary actions, restraint events, course sections, and teacher class assignments.
  • Submission 4 - Extended Year: Student extended year services, flexible attendance, and dual credit course completions.

Submission Groups

Files for the submission periods fall into the following groups:

  • First Submission: The first submission for an environment (fall, mid-year, summer, or extended year).
  • Resubmission: The second submission for any environment.
  • Working Collection: Collection data is not submitted, nor is it associated with a specific environment. Working collections are used for validation and reports once a resubmission has been finalized.

Combinations of Submission Groups and Periods

Each combination of PEIMS submission groups and periods has a unique collection code as part of the filename:

  • FALL1 - Fall First Submission.
  • FALL2 - Fall Resubmission.
  • FALL3 - Fall Working Collection.
  • SUMR - Summer First Submission.
  • SUMR2 - Summer Resubmission.
  • SUMR3 - Summer Working Collection.
  • EXYR1 - Extended-Year First Submission.
  • EXYR2 - Extended-Year Resubmission.
  • EXYR3 - Extended-Year Working Collection.

The filename format consists of {district}{campusid}{collectioncode}{timestamp}{interchange}.xml. For example, the filename for the first submission for Fall 2017 might appear as follows: 999999_000_2017FALL1_20610271015_InterchangeStaffAssociationExtension.xml

Order to Load Files

TSDS uses the interchange schemas to load the data to the Electronic Data Warehouse. The schemas must load in the following order. If a collection does not require an interchange, you can skip to the next interchange.

  1. InterchangeEducationOrganizationExtension
  2. InterchangeMasterScheduleExtension
  3. InterchangeStudentExtension
  4. InterchangeStudentEnrollmentExtension
  5. InterchangeStaffAssociationExtension
  6. InterchangeStudentAttendanceExtension
  7. InterchangeStudentDisciplineExtension
  8. InterchangeStudentGradeExtension
  9. InterchangeStudentProgramExtension
  10. InterchangeStudentParentExtension
  11. InterchangeSSAOrganizationAssociationExtension
  12. InterchangeFinanceExtension
  13. InterchangeStudentRestraintEventExtension

Some interchanges have dependencies. For example, the StaffResponsibilitiesExtension complex, which maps staff ID to service ID, depends on service IDs that are defined in the InterchangeEducationOrganizationExtension interchange. If the InterchangeEducationOrganizationExtension is not loaded prior to an InterchangeStaffAssociationExtension file that contains StaffResponsibilitiesExtension complex types, then an error will occur.

TSDS Collections

The data collections for the school year are as follows:

  • Class Roster - Fall (F) and Winter (W)
  • Residential Facility (RF) Tracker
  • State Performance Plan Indicator 14 (SP)
  • ECDS Kindergarten (EK)
  • ECDS Prekindergarten (EP)
  • Special Education Language Acquisition (SE)
  • Charter School Waitlist (CW)
  • Child Find (CH)
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