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February 2023 Minor Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_23.1.1.0



Release Note

ESP-82551TEDS Extracts

For the Dyslexia indicator to be reported in the Summer Submission:

  • The Student extension will output the Dyslexia indicator from the TX_110 Fall download.
  • The Student Program Extension will no longer default the Dyslexia Services to 00
  • The Student Program Extension will only default the Dyslexia Services to 00 if the Dyslexia indicator is 1 and there are no 01, 02, or 03 values for Dyslexia Services.
ESP-82049TSDS Download, TSDS Extract, and TSDS Child Find

For students being assigned codes 04 or 05 for Evaluation_Delay_Reason_E1718 or Eligibility_Delay_Reason_E1731, the description is 185 characters long, but the download can only accept 154 characters. This causes a failure in record insertion and no entries are found in the download table. Updated the fields to accept 185 characters for the record insertion.

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