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February 2023 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_23.2.0.0



Release Note

ESP-83088Student Summary

The TREx Export Old feature will truncate the certification description to 61 characters.

ESP-82672TX STAAR ALT2 3-8 Test Score Import updated for 2023

Updated the SPI-STAAR test definition along with the STAAR ALT 2 Grades 3 through 8 test score imports for the year 2023.

  • PERFORMANCE LEVEL INDICATOR – Field added in Reading Language Arts and Mathematics to indicate student’s growth from the previous year. In Reading Language Arts, this replaces Reporting Category 3 scores. (Positions 405,759)
  • ITEM REPORTING CATEGORY NUMBERS – Field added for all subjects for the STAAR Alternate 2 test being released in 2023. (Position 451, 801, 1601, 2001)
  • ITEM STUDENT RESPONSES – Field added for all subjects for the STAAR Alternate 2 test being released in 2023. (Position 503, 857, 1653, 2055)
  • FALL 2022 TSDS PEIMS HOMELESS‐STATUS – Field added from the PEIMS database. (Position 110)
  • SECTION 504 INDICATOR CODE – Field added in TIDE. (Position 112)
  • STAAR ALTERNATE 2 PROGRESS MEASURE – Will not be reported in 2023. Related fields in Reading Language Arts and Mathematics have been replaced with blanks. (Positions 426‐450 and 780‐800)
ESP-82613TREx Export

Updated the processing to retrieve Academic Status data for students that have a 504 plan.

ESP-82459TSDS Download

Updated the TSDS Parent download processing to convert all instances of JR/SR to Jr/Sr for the SPPI-14 submission.

ESP-82384Attendance Verification

Courses that are not marked to take attendance are no longer included in the report.

Membership days were not being calculated correctly if multiple calendars had the same track as the course. This has been resolved.

ESP-82267Print Transcripts

Updated the Performance Acknowledgements processing to display the descriptions and not the codes of the acknowledgments.

ESP-82203TSDS Course (EDORG)

Updated the TSDS Course (EDORG) extract processing to include course offerings that were entered by users and the courses are outside Master Schedule in eSchoolPlus.

ESP-82087Master Schedule (Staff Date Tracking), Career Tech/Contact Hours, and Student CTE Data

Added the Contact Hours Override checkbox to the Staff Date Tracking panel to allow a user to designate a staff date range where the CTE Contacts Hours will be zero for the course.
This will affect any student in the course accumulating contact hours. The student will have no contact hours for that course for the date range.

ESP-82082Process Census Block Group

Corrected the “Error: Value cannot be null” in the Process Census Block Group utility and updated the program to use Geo Code information from the 2020 census.

ESP-82036PEIMS Restraints

Added the Restraint Type field on the PEIMS Restraints page. This field will be table-validated and current valid options will be Physical and Mechanical.

ESP-81819Student Registration Report

The Student Registration Report for STAAR EOC will include any student with a selection for December, Spring, or June EOC tests from the TELPAS/TAKS/STAAR Information page.
For Spring EOC tests, if a test selection was not made on the TELPAS/TAKS/STAAR Information page, the report will look at the student’s schedule and include any course that has a State Course set in the Course Catalog and the Course Category set on the State Course Detail page.

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