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Enrollment Extract

Menu path: Select Regulatory from the main menu, select Texas Extracts submenu, select Other, and then select Enrollment Extract.

This utility replaces the PET Extract as of March 2018. The new Enrollment Event batch file requires the inclusion of only those records that are new, updated or deleted since the district's prior submission. Per TEA information, full submission of all enrollment records will no longer be supported.

Each file created has a maximum of 40,000 detail records. If the file is larger, the extract will automatically create additional files as needed.

School YearSelect the current school year.
Building(s)Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click Asterisk to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.
Transmission IDEnter a name for the extract. If none is entered, the software will produce a default name.
Enrollment Records

Select one of the following options:

  • For Entire Year - This option pulls all entry/withdrawal records for the school year.
  • For Date Range - This option pulls all entry/withdrawal records that changed during the selected date range. The date range is processed is based on the change date time stamp in the records. The date range looks only at the timestamp and not the Entry/Withdrawal date.

When running for the Entire Year, the process looks at all the Entry/Withdrawal records for the current school year.

When running for a Date Range, the process only looks at the Entry/Withdrawal change date stamp within that date range.

The Texas Enrollment Extract will report students with an Enrollment Date prior to 08/01 of the current school year based on the run date of the extract, as follows:

  • If the Enrollment Extract is run prior to 08/01 of the current school year, the student enrollment date is reported as entered in eSchoolPlus and the school year reported is the prior school year.
  • If the Enrollment Extract is run on 08/01 or after, the student enrollment date is reported as 08/01 of the current school year and the school year reported is the current school year.
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