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District/Campus Summary Report

Use this report to print membership and attendance data by grade, contact hours by vocational code and instructional setting information for the district or for a campus. The output report will have rows for the different programs with grade levels as column headers. 


Define the configuration for the report. The configuration specifies the reporting periods for the attendance view codes that are applicable to a campus (or buildings), and signature sheet information that prints on the report. 

  1. Define the available learning locations in the Learning Location validation table. Depending on your reporting requirements, learning location types may need to be populated for each day, including present days. If your district currently has Attendance Views set up so day totals are only created for days when the student was absent, you will need to modify the view setups to include a criterion to create records when the student is present.
  2. For each calendar day, you should assign the student learning location codes that are using each location/method. 

    Learning locations are assigned to each calendar day.

    • To update many calendar days at the same time, use the menu path: select Administration from the main menu, select Registration Setup submenu, select Calendars, and then select Mass Update Days
    • To update calendar day information for one day, use the menu path: select Administration from the main menu, select Registration Setup submenu, select Calendars, and then select Calendar. Click View Detail and select the date.
  3. Define how attendance day totals should be calculated for a building. Use the menu path: select Administration from the main menu, select Attendance Setup submenu, select Setup, and then select Attendance View Setup. Click the View Type link and select a view. 
  4. Run the Day Totals Calculation for the view used for state reporting for the attendance reporting periods you want to calculate. Use the menu path: select Attendance from the main menu, select All submenu, select Utilities, and then select Day Totals Calculation.
  5. Run the Attendance Contact Hours calculation to create the attendance records for each of the attendance reporting periods. Use the menu path: select Regulatory from the main menu, select Calculations submenu, select Calculations, and then select Attendance Contact Hours.
  6. If your district has students participating in OFSDP, make sure that OFSDP records have been created for these students. You can either calculate attendance information or manually create OFSDP records. 
    • To calculate attendance information, run the Day Totals Calculation for the OFSD view and run Build PEIMS OFSDP Records. 
    • To manually create OFSDP records, use the menu path: select Regulatory from the main menu, select Calculations submenu, select View Calculated PEIMS Data, and then select OFSDP Maintenance
  7. Verify that information for the programs listed above is correct.

To create the District/Campus Summary Report

  1. Select Regulatory from the main menu, select Reports submenu, select Attendance, and then select District/Campus Summary.
  2. On the District/Summary Report page, specify the options for the report.
    • Report Type: Select the report type to print on the summary report.
      • District (Superintendent's Report): When selected, the summary is by reporting period and instructional track. The instructional track is based on the State Code Equiv value assigned to the calendar.
      • Campus (Principal's Report): When selected, the summary is by building, reporting period, and instructional track. The instructional track is based on the State Code Equiv value assigned to the calendar.
    • Buildings: Select the required building or buildings to print on the summary report. You can select codes or click Asterisk to select all codes, and then remove codes as needed.
    • Reporting Periods: Select the required reporting periods to print on the summary report.
    • Attendance View: Select the required attendance view to print on the summary report.
    • Print Signature Sheet: Select to print the signature sheet with the required fields.
    • Log Statistics: Select to create a log file when the Run Legacy Report is not selected. Note that the log is always generated if you select to run the legacy report.
    • Run Legacy Report: Select to create the reports as per previous submission requirements.
    • Create Grade Level Totals Worksheet: Select to create grade level totals worksheet on the summary report.
    • Campus Report Sort: Select to create sorted summary report based on Campus ID or Campus Name. When choosing Campus ID, the report will be sorted by the building’s state code equivalent value.
  3. Use the Filter panel to select students.
  4. Click Run.
  5. Use the Tasks/Reports options on the Navigation bar to view task status and the retrieve report.

Additional Information

The In Person and Remote attendance will be used when calculating the Refined ADA. The report is calculating the Refined ADA value based on the Attendance Contact Hours Calculation data. For each building or calendar calculated, it sums the days present for students in the building having ADA programs during the attendance interval that are not values 7 or 8, and divides by the days taught. For the campus totals and district totals, the Refined ADA is calculated by taking the average of the individual Refined ADA fields. This reported Refined ADA field value will differ from the value calculated at the campus total or district total levels.
The Days Taught field counts the number of membership days in the period instead of summing the membership values of the same days. This means that days with a membership value of less than one will be counted as one day taught.

The Bilingual/ESL Funding program has been added into the student attendance calculation for the District/Campus Summary report.

The TE125 (Alternative Language) attendance data will be included in the calculation of the BIL/ESL Refined ADA Total (J) field.

The Attendance Contact Hour records with an Element Code of E0787 and Element Value of 9 will be excluded from the values reported in the District/Campus Summary report.

The Economic Disadvantage program and Language program eligible days buckets will be used for Early Education attendance totals.

The OFSDP District/Campus Summary report is processed to round off to two decimal places for the following two fields and they do no match as they are not connected:

  • The Career Tech Ed FTE is calculated based on the same data as CT Minutes Present, but the order of operations is different. CT Minutes Present is the sum of the Total Minutes Present for Flexible Attendance Program (E1045) records from Attendance Contact Hours Calculation. Career Tech Ed FTE uses the same Total Minutes Present, but it finds the Full Time Equivalency (FTE) for each student and then totals it. The main difference here is that it rounds each student's FTE to two decimals before it totals and there will be a difference in decimal values.
  • The Instructional FTE is calculated from the sum of Total Minutes Present for the Instructional Setting Code (E0173) from the Attendance Contact Hours Calculation divided by 240 and then rounded to two decimals. While, Special Ed FTE (K) is calculated from the sum of Equivalent Days Present for the Instructional Setting Code (E0173) from the Attendance Contact Hours Calculation rounded to two decimals. 

The Vocational section of the report will include Days, Hours, and FTE breakdowns by Tier (1 through 3). The CTE Contact Hour totals is added to the main report table for In Person, Remote Synchronous, and Remote Asynchronous days. They are further split into categories for the Course Level Tier (1 through 3).

The District/Campus Summary report can be sorted and printed by Campus ID or Campus Name. When choosing Campus ID, the report will be sorted by the building’s state code equivalent value.

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