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Career Tech Contact Hours

Use this option to create program records for the 149 – PEIMS Career and Technology Program Current CTE Indicator and Contact Hours programs for students taking career and technical education classes. This program only populates the Current CTE Indicator for students who should be reported with an indicator of 1 (Enrolled in a CTE Course).

Contact hours are calculated by summing the contact hours entered on the PEIMS Course page for a date based on the schedule add and drop dates from the student's schedule. For example, if a student is enrolled in a course with 1 contact hour since the beginning of the school year and then adds a CTE course with 1 contact hour at mid-semester, the student will have two program records created to reflect the number of contact hours the student had during a date range.

If a student has program records for Current CTE Indicator or Contact Hours where the Ovr (Override) checkbox is selected, the calculation will build the appropriate program records around the override record. For example, a student is enrolled in courses where the sum of contact hours is 2 starting 8/25/2015 and the student has a program record for Contact Hours for 0 hours with a start date of 12/02/2015 and end date of 1/15/2016, the student will have the following program records. 

Start Date


Over (Override)

End Date


2 (2 Contact Hours)







2 (2 Contact Hours)

The calculation also sets the Completed CTE Course on the PEIMS Career and Technology page to Y if the student is scheduled for at least one CTE course at any point during the year and no drop date was entered for the course. If you want to override the calculation, enter a check in the Override Completed CTE Course field on the PEIMS Career and Technology page. This field is used during the summer submission to report the career tech indicator.

Menu path: Select Regulatory from the main menu, select Calculations submenu, select Calculations, and then select Career Tech/Contact Hours.


  1. Define applicable courses as career and technical education classes by selecting the VoTec checkbox in the Master Schedule.
  2. Enter the number of contact hours for the class on the PEIMS Course page for the Master Schedule.
  3. For students who should be reported with a Current CTE Indicator of 3 (Participant in Tech Prep Program), enter the program records for the students, and select the Ovr (Override) checkbox. This indicator code will not be calculated.
  4. Enter overrides for students whose indicator and contact hours you do not want to calculate. For example, if a student is scheduled into a career and technical education class, but should be reported as having 0 hours because the student is in a DAEP/JJAEP for a period of time, you must create the program record for contact hours of 0 for this period of time and select the Ovr (Override)checkbox. For detailed procedures for reporting CTE students who are placed in DAEP/JJAEP, refer to the student procedures for DAEP/JJAEP Placement for CTE Students.

To Run the Calculation

  1. Select Regulatory from the main menu, select Calculations submenu, select Calculations, and then select Career Tech/Contact Hours.
  2. Specify the calculation options. For more information, refer to the following Fields table.
  3. Use the Filter panel to select students.
  4. Click Run to run the calculation.
  5. Use the Tasks/Reports options on the Navigation bar to view task status and retrieve reports.


Select the buildings for calculating the Current CTE Indicator and Contact Hours program records, as well as the Completed CTE Course field.

As of Date

Select the date you want to calculate records up to.

  • To calculate records up to today's date, select the Today option.
  • To calculate records up to a specific date, select the By Date option, and enter the date.

Task/Report Name

If you want to rename the task and report file, change the text that displays in this field. If you use the / (slash) character, _ (underscore) will be used in the task and report name.

FilterYou can filter the results using the four filters available for the PEIMS CTE Calculation: Academic, Demographic, Entry/Withdrawal, and/or Personal.
RunYou can run the PEIMS CTE Calculation using one of the five Run options: Now, Once, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.

Additional Information

The PEIMS CTE Calculation has been redesigned to calculate contact hours per service ID (E0724) for students. The calculation finds the VoTec courses and students enrolled in them, the contact hours for the course as set on the PEIMS Course page, and generates the appropriate date ranges and hours for each student or service ID combination. The calculation considers student Entry/Withdrawal information, course add or drop dates, and the course start and end dates to determine the date range the student had contact hours. If there is a 0 contact hour override set on the Contact Hours program, the calculation will not apply contact hours to the student during that date range when creating CTE records. Additionally, if a Student Detail Report is processed by the calculation having at least one record with contact hours, the Current CTE Indicator field on the District Defined PEIMS Career and Technology page will be updated to a value of 1 and processed. 

The CTE calculation is updated to report the final end date for contact hours on a service ID as either the next membership date in which the student is not receiving the contact hours, or the last day in the calendar.

Note that any service ID with an override will not be removed and will not be processed. The calculation will not allow any duplicate service ID/start dates or any overlapping date ranges for each service ID.

The CTE calculation is updated to handle previously set Contact Hours values that contain decimal values. If a course has a decimal value set as the Contact Hours, the calculation will round to the nearest integer and continue processing. A warning will be printed to the log file with the building, course, and section information describing what the decimal value was previously and what it has been rounded to. This message will only print one time per building, course, or section combination.

The 410 Attendance Verification Report will only show the Current CTE Indicator (with no dates) from the District Defined PEIMS Career and Technology page user-defined field. The Contact Hours will be retrieved from the Student CTE Data (menu path: select Regulatory from the main menu, select Calculations submenu, select View Calculated PEIMS Data, and then select View Career Tech/Contact Hours) page reporting only the V1 through V3 PEIMS ADA Attendance and remove the V4 through V6 breakouts of attendance.

The Student Detail Report is updated to report the VoTec field from the Current CTE Indicator field on the District Defined PEIMS Career and Technology page, instead of the date-tracked field.

The Calculate Career Tech Contact Hours (CTE Calculation) run page will no longer have the Run Error Scan option, but will produce a log file listing prompts, filters, or errors encountered.

The Contact Hours field on the PEIMS Career and Technology (Program) screen serves as an override for 0 contact hours time periods (student in DAEP, and so on). The CTE calculation is not updating that field as Contact Hours are now reported at the Service ID level. Any value that was previously entered on the PEIMS Career and Technology (Program) screen will remain unchanged after the CTE Calculation is run. The Student CTE Data page (menu path: select Regulatory from the main menu, select Calculations submenu, select View Calculated PEIMS Data, and then select View Career Tech/Contact Hours) reflects the contact hours by Service ID that will be submitted for the student.

The View Task Log record with error messages will be created for the PEIMS CTE Calculation after the Career Tech/Contact Hours calculation is run.

The Career Tech/Contact Hours calculation will allow overlapping courses with the same service ID by rolling up contact hours to a maximum of 3 hours.

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