View the Attendance Bulletin to see a list of students who have attendance entered for the date.
Note: Your district administrator can set up the attendance package to use Alternate Accountability so that unlawful absences are not entered for students in certain grades or students over a minimum age. For example, your district administrator may have defined that students age 17 and older cannot be marked absent with a U (for unexcused), but should be marked absent with a code of E (for excused). In this case, the Attendance Bulletin may list a different absence code than the code you selected for a student who is 17 or more years of age.
View the Bulletin
From Attendance, select Bulletin to display the Bulletin page.
To change the view, change the fields as needed: Building - select All Buildings, or select the building of the students you want to include. Sort - select the sort you want to use.
Student Name by Building - to sort by student name and then period.
Period - to sort by period and then student name.
Grade - to sort by grade and then student name.
Team - to sort by house/team.
Grade and Team - to sort by grade and then house/team.
Student Name by Student - to include absences from all buildings for a student grouped together. Sorts by student name and then period.
Students to Show- select the students to display.
All Students - to display all students in the selected buildings. If unchecked, display only students you teach. This option may not display depending on the Teacher Access Center configuration.
My Students - to display for students in any of my classes that are absent for any period on the Attendance Date.
My Students In Period - to display for students in any of my classes meet in the scheduling period selected in the drop-down field. This field is inaccessible, if any selected building does not support period scheduling.
Show Attendance Entered For - for the students selected in Students to Show, choose what attendance information to display.
All Classes - to display absences from all of the students' classes.
My Classes - to display students absent for my classes.
Period - to display only students' attendance for this period. This field is inaccessible if any selected building does not support period scheduling.
Click Refresh Bulletin.
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