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Bulletin Page

Use the Bulletin page (Attendance > Bulletin) to view a day's attendance information for a building. You may view attendance information for all students or for only the students who are in your classes. One line of data will display for each absence for the student.

View the Attendance Bulletin

Bulletin Options Section

After making selections from this section, click Refresh Bulletin to update the page.

Attendance Date

Select the date you want to view.


Select to display attendance for a single building or all buildings. If you want to see attendance for another building for a student in your class, you must select all buildings.

If you select to view all buildings and you use a sort other than Student Name by Building, a separate section will display for each building.


Select the sort order you want to use:

Student Name by Building - to sort by student name and then period.

Period - to sort by period and then student name.

Grade - to sort by grade and then student name.

Team - to sort by house/team.

Grade and Team - to sort by grade and then house/team.

Student Name by Student - to include absences from all buildings for a student grouped together. Sorts by student name and then period.

Students to Show

Select which students to display. Select from:

All Students - to display all students in the selected buildings. If unchecked, display only students you teach. This option may not display depending on the Teacher Access Center configuration.

My Students - to display for students in any of my classes that are absent for any period on the Attendance Date.

My Students In Period - to display for students in any of my classes meet in the scheduling period selected in the drop-down field. This field is inaccessible, if any selected building does not support period scheduling.

Show Attendance Entered For

For the students selected in Students to Show, choose what attendance information to display. Select from:

All Classes - to display absences from all of the students' classes.

My Classes - to display students absent for my classes.

Period - to display only students' attendance for this period. This field is inaccessible if any selected building does not support period scheduling.

Students Section


Period of the class the student was absent from. For homerooms, this field will display your attendance period name, such as AM for a morning homeroom and PM for an afternoon homeroom.


Absence for the student for the course.

Note: Your district administrator can set up the attendance package so that unlawful absences are not entered for students in certain grades or students over a minimum age. For example, your district administrator may have defined that students age 17 and older cannot be marked absent with a U (for unexcused), but students should be marked absent with a code of E (for excused). In this case, the Morning Bulletin may list a different absence code than the code you selected for a student who is 17 or more years of age. For more information about alternate accountability, refer to[ About Alternate Accountability About Alternate Accountability.


The time the student left the class, if the student did not attend the entire class.


The time the student entered a class, if the student did not attend the entire class.


Indicates if the office or teacher entered the information.


Attendance entered by the office may include text describing the absence or tardy or reason for excuse.

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