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Test Scores Page

Use the Test Scores page (Performance) to view test score information for students in your classes. You can select categories of tests to view. An administrator selects the categories to display for the test score view. If the administrator has defined score thresholds for failure or proficiency, test scores will display with color-coded background to help you see test score trends.

Enter Test Scores for a Class
View Test Scores for Classes

Test Score View

Select the test view you want to display.

Filter Scores

If you want to filter the scores displayed, select the filter you want to use. The available filters are:

All Scores - select this filter to display all scores for the test view.

View Failing Scores Only - select this filter to display only scores that are equal to or below the failure threshold. An administrator can define the failure threshold for each score field as part of the test view.

View Passing Scores Only - select this filter to display only scores that are above the failure threshold. An administrator can define the failure threshold for each score field as part of the test view.

If a score field was not set up with a failure threshold, no scores will be displayed if you select the View Failing Scores Only or View Passing Scores Only filters.

Score Fields

The names and number of columns which display are determined by the Test View Setup.

Score the student received for a test score field. Refer to the Test Score Key at the top of the page for information about the color-coded background of a score.

If you move your cursor over the score, a tooltip displays the test date on which the student earned this score.

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