To display the Select Recipients window, click To on the Email page. This window displays a grid of your classes and expands to show students and guardians. You cannot select a student or guardian that does not have an email address stored in the eSchoolPlus System. Their names will display, but you will not be able to enter a check in the box next to their name.
The Select Recipients grid lets you select students you teach and/or their guardians. The Send To field in the upper right of the grid enables you to select students only, guardians only, or both students and guardians. These checkboxes permit you to select groups of recipients and/or individual recipients.
Fields and Buttons on the Select Recipients Window
Expand to view students
Depending on the setting of the Send To: field, you'll be able to select students, guardians, or both students and guardians. If either Guardians or Both is selected, will appear in front of students' names so you can display their guardians.
If Include Only Currently Enrolled Students is selected, the expanded list of class roster displays only the students enrolled for the current marking period and their guardians.
(Select checkbox)
Select to include recipients. You can select at multiple levels. Only individuals who have a valid email addresses entered in eSchoolPlus can be selected.
Click the column header checkbox to select everyone (as determined by the Send To: field) for all classes.
Click the class row checkbox to email everyone for that class (as determined by the Send To: field).
Individual selection of students or guardians is handled differently depending on the setting of the Send To: field. When the selection is:
Students - click for the class to show students in the class. Check each student you wish to include.
Both - click for the class to show the students in the class, then click next to the student's name to display their guardians. If you check a guardian, only the guardian will be selected. If you check the student, both the student and the student's guardians will be selected.
Guardians - click for the class to show the students in the class, then click next to the student's name to display their guardians. Check the desired guardians. It is not possible to select students when Guardians (only) is the Send To selection.
Include Only Currently Enrolled Students
Select to include only the students who are enrolled in the current marking period for a course in the email recipient list. Clearing for a class in this column lets you include all the students enrolled in any marking period defined for the class. After clearing the checkbox for a class, you can select desired students and guardians from the class roster to be included in the email recipients list.
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