Record students for emergency attendance
Use this procedure to enter emergency attendance for students currently in your room. Students do not need to be assigned to any of your classes.
- From Home, click on the My Classes toolbar to display the Emergency Attendance page.
- If the building displayed in the Emergency Attendance toolbar is incorrect, click Change to select the correct building.
- Select the room number from the Select a Room field.
- To display students in an alphabetic range, click the appropriate tab.
- Mark students present by either entering a check by their name in the Present column or by searching for students by using the Find Student to Mark Present field.
If you use the Find Student to Mark Present field, enter text in the input field. Then select Enter, or click to display a list with matching students assigned to the selected building:- Check Show All Students to also display students not registered in any of your classes.
- Double click on a name to mark the student present.
- Click Close to close the window.
- To view all students you currently have marked as present, click the Marked Present tab.
- Click (Save ) to save your entries and report this information to administrators.
- If you need to update attendance, repeat steps 4-7.
- If desired, click (Generate Emergency Attendance Report) to create a printable report; this report can also be exported to Excel. This report only prints saved students.