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Print Report Cards

Print report cards if your building's configuration is defined to allow teachers to print report cards.

Print report cards

  1. Display either the Report Card or Competency Entry page.

  2. Click Print Report Cards.

  3. In the Print Report Cards window's Mailing Report Cards field, select one of the following:

    • Send Cards to Student Address Only - to print one report card for each student using the student's address.

    • Send Cards to Those Flagged in Registration - to print a report card for every contact who is flagged to receive report card mailings for the students selected in Step 5.

  4. In the Students section, select the students to print. All students are selected by default. To remove a student who is currently selected and prevent a report card from being printed, CTRL+click on the student's name. Repeat this for each student who should not be included in the report card run.
    Tip: To print report cards for only a few students, highlight one student (and remove the highlight for other students) by clicking on the student's name. You can then select additional students by using CTRL+click on each student's name.
  5. Click Run. The report will open. You can then view, print, or save to your computer. Additionally, the PDF file is saved automatically to your report directory and can be accessed from the Home page.

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