Use this procedure to step through entering mark and comment information for course competency groups. Competency Entry allows you to select if you want to work in a competency grid of all students or a competency list for a single student. To enter marks from a view that is focused on a single student and provides the prior marking period marks, use List mode. Refer to the appropriate procedure below.
If you use the Load from Gradebook option to calculate and load marks, you should enter a mark value on this page only if you do not want to have the student's mark calculated by Gradebook. Manually entering a mark value on the Competencies page is considered a mark override and the Load from Gradebook will not overwrite the mark.
In List mode, mark overrides are indicated by a green background. The Grid mode does not indicate which marks are stored as overrides.
Enter competency information for all students in Grid mode
From Grade Reporting, click Competencies to display the Competency Entry page.
If you need to update the class or marking period, click Change, and make your selections.
If Competency Entry is currently in List mode, click .
If you are working with a course that has multiple competency groups, use the Competency Group field above the student list to select the competency group.
Enter the appropriate mark or comment for students.
When you have finished, click Save.
If you are working with a course that has multiple competency groups, repeat steps 4-6 until you have updated the competency groups.
Enter competency information for a student using List mode
The List mode allows you to view marks and comments from prior marking periods as a reference. You can choose to hide or show the prior marking periods.
From Grade Reporting, click Competencies to display the Competency Entry Page.
On the navigation menu, select Grading > Competencies.
If you need to update the class or marking period, click Change, and make your selections.
If Competency Entry is currently in Grid mode, click .
Select the student to view by clicking on the student's row or use the arrow buttons next to the student name above the list to move forward or backward through the list.
If you are working with a course that has multiple competency groups, use the Competency Group field above the student list to select the competency group.
Enter the appropriate mark or comment for the student.
When you have finished, click .
To enter marks for another competency group for the course, repeat steps 4-8 until you have updated the competency groups.
Select the next student.
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