Use this procedure to load marks from Gradebook to competency records. Load from Gradebook uses the competency definition to determine whether the mark is based on the student's maximum score, most recent score, average score, power law, or a manual entry made in Gradebook.
If you are loading marks for course competencies, then the report card marks will also be loaded.
Prepare to load marks
Enter all scores for assignments that will be included when calculating marks.
Run the Missing Scores report for the class to verify that there are no scores missing for students that should be entered.
If necessary, enter scores for any missing assignments which you want to count as a 0 (zero). Missing scores are never factored when calculating a mark for competencies.
To review assignments for a competency, click from the Gradebook mode selector to enter SBGB Detail mode. Then, use the Filter fields to display the competency.
If you ask students to confirm the scores entered in your gradebook, run the Student Detail Report for the class. This report includes a signature line for students/guardians to sign indicating that the information is correct.
Load grades on Competency Entry page
From Grade Reporting, click Competencies to display the Competency Entry Page.
To change to a different marking period or class, click Change and then select the appropriate marking period and course or student competency group.
Use the List mode to review the list of student marks for overrides indicated by a green background. If you want Load from Gradebook to calculate the mark, you must remove the override by clicking in the field and selecting the Delete key. Then, save your changes.
Click Load from Gradebook.
Review the marks that posted.
Change grade for a student
Display the Gradebook Entry page for the course or student competency group.
To change to a different marking period or class, click Change and then select the appropriate marking period and course or student competency group.
Click from the Gradebook mode selector to enter SBGB Detail mode.
Use the Filter to display the average for the appropriate competency.
Change the student's Grade value and save changes if Auto Saving is not enabled.
Repeat the "Load grades on Competency Entry page" procedure above.
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