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Display Attendance Detail from Gradebook

Use these procedures to display an indicator if a student had an attendance code on the assignment due date and to display attendance information for the date.

See if a student had an attendance code during this class on the due date

  1. From
     Gradebook, select Entry to display the Gradebook Entry page.
  2. If you are in SBGB Summary Mode, click
     for GB Entry mode or
     for SBGB Detail mode on the mode selector
  3. If you need to update the class or marking period, click Change, and make your selections. 
  4. Click
     to display the available indicators.
  5. If Show Indicators displays above the list of indicators, the indicators are currently hidden. Click Show Indicators to enable indicators.
  6. Select the Attendance checkbox to have Gradebook identify score cells where the student had an attendance code for this class on the due date.

Display attendance information for a date on the Gradebook page

  1. Click on a student's assignment cell to select the cell.
  2. Right-click the score cell, and then select View Attendance.
    If your system does not support right-click, select View Attendance from the Actions/Reports drop-down field.
  3. Click Close to close View Attendance pop-up.
  4. Repeat Steps 2-3 to view information for other students or dates.
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