Use this procedure to delete an average or competency grade override. When you change the average for a mark or category in the Gradebook, you are overriding system calculations. Averages (in Gradebook Entry mode) that have been overridden display in bold. If you want the system to calculate the average for a category for which you had previously entered an override in Gradebook Entry mode, you must delete the overridden average.
Grades associated with a competency (in SBGB Detail mode) that have been overridden also display in bold. If you want the system assign a competency grade that had been previously overridden, you must delete the overridden grade.
Remove an override of the calculated average (GB Entry mode)
Click from the Gradebook mode selector to display the Entry mode.
If you need to update the class or marking period, click Change, and make your selections.
If the Filter is not set to the category or mark you want to view, select the appropriate value.
Click on the student's average.
Select the Delete key.
If Auto Saving is disabled, click Save to save the override delete; the grade then displays based on the student's average. If Auto Saving is enabled, the Save icon does not display in the toolbar, the grade then displays based on the student's average after you click another cell.
Remove an override of a competency grade (SBGB Detail mode)
Click from the Gradebook mode selector to enter SBGB Detail mode.
If you need to update the class or marking period, click Change, and make your selections.
Select the desired competency and mark type in the Competencies and Marks filters.
Click on the student's grade.
Select the Delete key.
If Auto Saving is disabled, click Save to save the override delete; the grade then displays based on the student's average. If Auto Saving is enabled, the Save icon does not display in the toolbar, the grade then displays based on the student's average after you click another cell.
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