Copy Assignments Page
On this page:
Use the Copy Assignments page (Gradebook > Copy Assignments) to copy assignments, categories, and/or attachments from one class or competency group to another or from one marking period to another (for the same class or competency group). You can copy from prior school years.
You can also copy a single assignment using the Gradebook Entry Assignment Details Drawer.
Copy Categories and Assignments
The Copy Assignments page has three sections. The Copy From section determines which assignments will be copied, the Additional Options section further refines what is copied, and the Copy To section determines which courses or competency groups will receive the copied assignments.
Copy From
Use this section to select the course-section or competency group, marking period, and which assignments and categories will be copied.
Course-section / Competency Group display
This displays the course-section or competency group that will be copied from. To select a different source, click
Marking Periods
Select either All or a single marking period.
Assignments & Categories
You can copy all categories and assignments or selected categories and assignments. Select:
All - to copy all assignments and categories from the selected course.
Selected - to display the available categories with separate rows for each marking period.
Assignments & Categories grid
A grid displays the course's categories after you choose Selected from the Assignments & Categories drop-down list. For each category and marking period, the weight, the number of lowest-scored assignments to drop, and the number of assignments are displayed.
To copy all categories (but no assignments) check the box next to Marking Period in the grid's header. This enters a check for each row in the first column and selects each category for copying. You can click any category's box to deselect it from the copy.
To copy assignments, click on a category's row to display a grid with the category's assignments. You can click the row again to hide this grid. To select all assignments for a category, check the box next to Assign Date in the assignment grid's header. You can also individually select/deselect assignments by checking/unchecking the appropriate box in column 1 of this grid.
Additional Options
All Options
Check to select all options in this section.
Assignment Attachments
Check to copy any attachments to copied assignments.
Course Attachments
Check to copy course attachments.
Competencies / Rubrics
Check to copy the competencies and/or rubrics attached to copied assignments.
Note: Competencies associated with assignments or rubrics are copied only if the Copy To courses are set up for the competency.
Overwrite Existing Categories
Check to update the values for the default row of existing categories as part of the copy when copying course assignments. This option has no effect when copying from competency groups, because there are no settings stored for categories for student competency groups that will be overwritten.
Copy To
To delete any course from this list, click
Note that you cannot copy from courses to competency groups or vice-versa.
Marking Period
Select the marking period that content will be copied to. If All is selected in the Marking Periods drop-down list in the Copy From section, Corresponding will display and cannot be changed. When Corresponding displays, click