Conduct Referral List Page
Use the Referral List page (Interventions > Conduct Referrals then click
Conduct Referral List Page Fields and Operations
Sorting the referral list
To change the list's sort order, click on a column's title. For example, the list is initially ordered by Issue Date in reverse chronology. If you click the Name column's title, the list displays alphabetically in ascending order by students' last names. Note that if more than one student is included with a referral, the students remain grouped with their associated referral. Clicking the Name title again changes the listing to descending order, again maintaining the referral groupings.
Filtering the referral list
The Type, Referred To, and Status fields allow you to filter the list by entering several characters in the text box below the header. Press ENTER to list all rows with values that begin with the characters entered.
- To further filter the list, type additional characters in another searchable field, and select Enter.
- To remove a filter, clear its search field, and select Enter.
If the login ID you use is assigned to multiple staff members, a Teacher field displays with the teacher name and a (Not You?) link next to the teacher name. If the teacher information displayed is not your information, click the (Not You?) link and select your staff record on the Teacher Chooser pop-up. Click Ok to keep your selection and close the pop-up.
Status of the issue. The possible statuses are:
Referred - You referred the issue to the student's disciplinarian.
Returned - The disciplinarian returned the referral with either a suggestion for resolving the issue or a request for more information. You can update a returned referral.
No Infraction - The issue was closed by the disciplinarian without the need for a discipline incident.
Incident Created - The disciplinarian escalated the referral to a discipline incident.
To filter the list by this column, enter several characters in the text entry field. Press ENTER to list all rows with values that begin with the characters entered.
Administrative Action
Displays behavior information for the student.
- If no incident was created, these fields are blank.
- If an incident has been created, the incident code displays, and any categories or actions also display.
Displays the discipline incident code with its description.
Displays the category code with its description.
Displays the action code and its description. The action code indicates the action taken against the offender.