Conduct Referrals
Teacher Access enables you to record, track, and refer classroom and conduct-related issues:
Conduct Referrals relate to issues that require the attention of a disciplinarian, whether they occur inside or outside the classroom. Using TAC's Conduct Referrals option, you can record the issues, identify the students, detail their involvement, and refer the issues to a disciplinarian.
For more routine student issues, such as missing homework and class participation to behavioral issues like talking or sleeping in class, that you manage within your class, homeroom or activity, use Classroom Issues.
Create a conduct referral
- From Interventions, select Conduct Referrals to open the Conduct Referral page.
If the login ID you use is assigned to multiple staff members, a Teacher field displays with the teacher name and a (Not You?) link next to the teacher name. If the teacher information displayed is not your information, click the (Not You?) link and select your staff record on the Teacher Chooser pop-up. Click Ok to keep your selection and close the pop-up.
In the Referral Detail section, complete fields.
Enter the building and date for the referral.
The Type field, if available, is also required. The display of this field depends on the Teacher Access Center configuration.
In the Students section, select the students involved.
Click Add to open the Conduct Referral Student Search pop-up to select students to add to the conduct referral.
Search for students by entering characters to look for in the field at the top of the column. Click Search. To allow you to report conduct that involves students who are not enrolled in your building, the student search returns students in any building in the district.
Select the students to include, and then click OK.
Select a role, and enter notes detailing each student's involvement. Each student has a separate note. If you want to use the same content, copy and paste the text from one student to another.
The Role field is optional; its display depends on the Teacher Access Center configuration.
to check the spelling in the Notes fields.
Repeat Steps 3-4 until the referral information is entered for the involved students.
Click Refer to refer the issue to the students' disciplinarians.
Review status for conduct referrals
- From Interventions, select Conduct Referrals to open the Conduct Referral page.
(Conduct Referral List).If the login ID you use is assigned to multiple staff members, a Teacher field displays with the teacher name and a (Not You?) link next to the teacher name. If the teacher information displayed is not your information, click the (Not You?) link and select your staff record on the Teacher Chooser pop-up. Click Ok to keep your selection and close the pop-up.
To search for a referral, enter values in the fields at the top of the columns. Then, select the Enter key to search.
To see the current status of the referral, look at the Status column.
Referred - You referred the issue to the student's disciplinarian.
Returned - The disciplinarian returned the referral with either a suggestion for resolving the issue or a request for more information. You can update a returned referral.
No Infraction - The issue was closed by the disciplinarian without the need for a discipline incident.
Incident Created - The disciplinarian escalated the referral to a discipline incident. If an incident has been created, the incident code displays, and any categories or actions display in the Administrative Actions column.