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Add Mark Override Reasons for Report Cards

Use this procedure to specify why you entered an override for a report card mark. Your school policy may require you to enter a reason when you enter a mark, instead of allowing the Load from Gradebook or eSchoolPlus Average Calculation option to calculate the mark.

Add a mark override reason

  1. On the Report Card page, enter the mark for the student. The box next to the mark is automatically checked to indicate that you are overriding calculations.
  2. Click Mark Override Reason. Note that this button changes to blue when you move your pointer over it for a mark where the Override box is checked.
  3. On the Mark Override Reason window, enter the reason for the override in the Reason and Notes fields as appropriate.
    • Reason - If this field displays, you may select the override reason from a list of reasons your school has defined.
    • Notes - you can enter up to 255 characters describing the override reason.
  4. Click OK to close the window.
  5. Click Save.

Note: If you remove the check from the Override box for a mark that has an override reason entered, the reason will be deleted when you click Save on the Report Card page.

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