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Access eSchoolPlus from Teacher Access

You may be able to access eSchoolPlus student pages for students you teach or work with.

Access is granted based on eSchoolPlus Teacher Account security profiles that are assigned to TAC users. Administrators can create any number of profiles, so security resources can be granted for specific groups of TAC users. Read or read/write access can be assigned for each resource in a profile.

Once a staff member is assigned a Teacher Account security profile, the staff member can display eSchoolPlus student pages from TAC with their access privileges as determined by the assigned profile.

If a Teacher Account security profile has been assigned to your staff record:

The eSchoolPlus menu displays on the TAC Navigation bar.

The eSchoolPlus menu displays on the TAC Navigation bar for teachers with an assigned Teacher Account security profile. The profile determines which options display on this menu and also determines the type of access granted to each option's page. Select an option to open the eSchoolPlus Student Search page in a new browser tab, and then select the student to display the selected student information page.

The Student Details Drawer's District Links tab displays eSchoolPlus menu options.

When the Student Details Drawer is displayed, the District Links tab displays menu options to pages enabled by the user’s Teacher Account security profile. Selecting an option opens the corresponding eSchoolPlus page in a new browser tab.

Accessing eSchoolPlus from Teacher Access

When you access eSchoolPlus from Teacher Access, you can only display student information pages for students you teach or work with. A number of changes were made to eSchoolPlus to ensure only those students can be accessed, and other changes were made to allow eSchoolPlus to be accessed by a group of users rather than an individual with a user account.

Note that the eSchoolPlus Help system describes all eSchoolPlus fields and features; be aware that only a subset of eSchoolPlus features are available to users that access it with a Teacher Profile.

eSchoolPlus Page/Area

Description of Change

User's login ID in Banner

When eSchoolPlus is opened from Teacher Access, the Teacher Account security profile displays in parentheses adjacent to the user's login ID in the eSchoolPlus banner.

Search pages

Additional default columns display on the Search Results panel of the Student Search page when accessed from Teacher Access. The additional columns are Course - Section, Description, End Period, and Start Period.

On pages with a Search Results panel, the icons that save searches to Excel and PDF files do not display, because this feature is not available to Teacher Access users.

eSchoolPlus banner

When eSchoolPlus is accessed from Teacher Access:

  • The Home page cannot display, so the home icon was removed.

  • Notifications are not supported so the Notifications icon does not display

  • Favorites (bookmarks to eSchoolPlus pages) are not supported, so the Favorites icon does not display.

  • Reports are not available, so the Tasks/Reports menu does not display.

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