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Use this page to launch the Whiteboard application from within eSchoolPlus.

Each time you run Whiteboard, you must download the software to make sure the latest software is installed.


You must have the correct versions of the Microsoft.NET Framework and the MadCap Help Viewer installed on your computer in order to run the Whiteboard application and integrated dynamic help system. These components are downloaded and maintained independently by your System Administrator.

For more information about using the Whiteboard application, refer to the Whiteboard documentation and online help system.

If you cannot view the online help in Whiteboard, refer to Whiteboard Help Installation and Troubleshooting.

Run Whiteboard from eSchoolPlus

  1. Select Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > Whiteboard.
  2. Click Download & Run Whiteboard.
  3. In the Application Run - Security Warning dialog window, click Run. A download progress indicator dialog displays while the system downloads the software to your PC.
  4. In the Whiteboard Login window, enter your User Name and Password, then click Login.
  5. In the Set Environment dialog, make any necessary changes, then click OK to launch Whiteboard.

Set the environment for the Whiteboard application

  1. In the Set Environment dialog, select the database you want to use.
  2. Select the school year to use. Typically, you will select to run Whiteboard in your next-year environment.
    Summer school scheduling is not currently supported.
  3. If you have the ability to impersonate a user, you can enter the login for the user you want to impersonate, when applicable. If you do not have this capability specified in your Security Profile in eSchoolPlus, the Impersonate User field does not display.
  4. To run the application in the selected environment, click OK.
    • If you select to run Whiteboard in the current-year environment, a confirmation dialog will display. If you are sure you want to run Whiteboard in the current-year environment, click Yes. Otherwise, click No and return to step 2 to make another selection.
  5. If grades exist for the selected building and school year, a warning will display.
    • To run Whiteboard even though grades exist, click Yes. Otherwise, click No and return to step 2 to make another selection.
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